Wow what an awesome testimony What do you have to lose. This - TopicsExpress


Wow what an awesome testimony What do you have to lose. This product is well worth a try. Best part it is 60 day money back guarantee. It is well worth reading the Testimony below. CJ Deskin Keri says ~ Well I have gained the courage that I needed to expose my full journey. With GOD holding my hand and the support of my wonderful family and close friends and of course the help of my Plexus products I will share my story with the world in hopes that it may give someone else that is out of hope to go on. I will begin my letting you all know that my journey has not been a easy one it has been really hard and lonley, see my husband lives in Mexico right now so that is hard not having him here to support me emotionally and of course financially, we are in process of getting him legal status in the US.... anyways I will back up to early to middle part of 2008 I had a very good job as a retail rep with AT&T, I loved my job and was very good with sales and with the people I had a good steady income and then my husband left in Sept 2009 so we could continue the legal process to get his resident card. Shortly after he left I began to start having symptoms of fatige and lower back and hip pain I soon made an appointment with the doctor and was diagnosed with a very severe agressive form of R/A and shortly after was diagnosed with a severe case of Lupus. I currently have Lupus, R/A, COPD, fibromyalgia, diabetes, high blood pressure, restless leg, sleep apnea and asthma, hope I listed them all lol. The beginning of Febuary I noticed I was swelling really bad in my legs and my feet and oh how they hurt at night I would just cry but by morning the swelling would go down. Around the middle of Febuary I got to where I was having severe swelling and it wasnt going away by morning and i was in such severe pain and had no energy at all. I went back to doctor and was prescribed more meds. Over the next week i was in such pain I was unable to work and over the next 2 weeks gained 96lbs ;( daughter took my to out local hospital 3 times which everytime docotrs said they could not detect what the problem was and even after me begging them not to send me home to die they would discharge me then over next few days the girls took me to a nearby hospital where the ER doctor did same thing he could not find the source of problem and even after me begging and pleading ofr him not to send me home to die he also discharged me this went on for about a week and finally I was so sick and swollen I hurt so very badly I thought I was literally in hell I questioned God what I had done to deserve such a harsh punishmnet.... the last 2 days I started halucinating and stopped urinating. I could not believe a human could endure such pain and I hated my girls to see me I could see the sadness and fear in their eyes, thats hard for a mother my job was to care for them and protect them and to prevent them from hurting, everyday when they would come check on me I could see the relief when they would realize that they hadnt discovered my dead body lying in the bed. My daughters finally took me to a nearby city to the ER unit and the doctor there has stated that if the girls would have waited 30 more minutes I would have died at home. When I arrived and seen the kind doctor as sick as I was I grasped on to his doctors coat and begging him to not send me home to die, he then told me to relax that I was in good hands that I would be stayimng with him awhile. Over the next few hours I was stuck poked xrayed and watched over very closely, within 24 hours of being admitted I suffered a heart attack all i kept thinking was I am a week away from turning 40 too young to be going through all of this and alone i kept thinking who will be there for my girls if something goes terribly wrong their dad is in Mexico and only way he would be able to come legally is to attend my funeral I was so torn I didnt want my girls to suffer but yet I was so miserable that one small part of me just wanted it all to end. I was in the hospital over the next few weeks. I did finally come home but I was such a burden on my girls they had to care for me I couldnt even harly walk to bathroom or even shower i was so huge I reamined on oxygen for months and over the next 2 1/2 years fought for disability that whole time i had no income so my daughters came together and cared for me and paid all my bills. I finally was awarded my disability and continued my care with my doctors. I have been miserable for so long that its so ironic to think that not even 3 months ago I was laying in bed everysingle night begging and pleading with GOD to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me stop hurting just long enough to go to sleep and please dear LORD dont let me wake up in the morning ;( I was so tired of hurting and so very tired of fighting to get better. well just an update I started my Plexus journey on 7/26/13 first 2 weeks I dropped about 17lbs then I decided to sign up just to help me get my products cheaper in order to continue to take them. I signed as an Ambassador on 8/22/13 This journey has been AMAZING!!!!! I currently am down 54lbs since I began this journey EVERY single medical issue I HAD is under control I started with 23 meds and I currently am on 2!!!!! I HAVE AN AWESOME, FAITHFUL GOD!!!! I know now why I had unanswered prayers, he had a plan for me all along!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 05:30:13 +0000

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