Wow...what can i say about the experience Ive had this week at the - TopicsExpress


Wow...what can i say about the experience Ive had this week at the Full Gospel Conference? I had a blast! Yes it was very tiring, but it was also very very inspiring! I learned a whole lot. Im an observer. Although I may not say much, I watch everything and I always try to learn something new. Some people think I know a lot, but I really dont lol, I just share a lot of what I DO know, which is something that a lot of people/musicians wont do. But anyway, what Ive learned this week, I will definitely be sharing with you all in future posts. I actually already started with the previous post below. But back to the conference, I had some great experiences playing for some great artist, and meeting a lot of great people! Speaking of meeting people. Yall may look at me funny when i say this, but honestly...I had no idea THAT many people knew me! Im so serious. There wasnt a time a time that I would be in the parking lot, the rehearsal room, the main stage area, the bathroom (which was weird), the Starbucks, backstage, or during any service where somebody didnt yell out Yeah Doc, or Cdub! It really tripped me out. Of course you know that type of stuff doesnt phase me at all, but it was just interesting that I ran across that many people who knew me by name. Now what DID phase me, was what those people had to say to me when I talked to them. So many people told me they were blessed by my music, my FB post, my Youtube videos, and that their lives had been enhanced or changed by something i posted. Stuff like that really got me. Likes and Shares can only say so much, but when someone genuinely comes up to you, and tells you that God spoke to them and told them that He was pleased with what IM doing........that gave me strength to keep going. God bless all of you who I met this week! Thanks for the encouraging words! #humbled
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:15:08 +0000

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