Wow where do I begin? First off, I want to thank everyone for the - TopicsExpress


Wow where do I begin? First off, I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes!!! You warmed my heart on this very special day. #golden #birthday. I also want to thank all my parents, siblings, family members, and friends for supporting me in my journey through life. I wouldnt be where I am today without the love, encouragement, compassion, and care from each one of you. Over this last year, Ive moved through some of the most impactful experiences of my life. My understanding of self, community, and love have transformed beyond anything I could have ever planned. In fact, the most impactful experiences where the ones created on a whim, through feeling, and acting in faith. What I once thought was understood, opened up and blossomed into something much deeper and wilder than ever imagined. I learned about true power, faith, self love, community, real success, values, FUN, and connection to divine spirit. The benefits of these were beyond anything I could have ever asked for. Relationships took on deeper meanings, resources grew in abundance, information transforming into wisdom, and health the forefront of growth. Last night, I had an intention for ceremony geared towards finding freedom. Something Ive been seeking my whole life. It wasnt until last night that I found my captor the internal slave master. He was an illusory ghost holding me hostage by way of patterns of psychological beliefs, fear, self doubt, limiting beliefs and stories so full of lies and caked with excuses of the outside world holding me back. What I found was liberation through divine unconditional love and forgiveness. Through my experiences from last night and over the course of this last year, nothing in the external world can ever hold us back from creating from love. Sure, there are lessons that are learned along the way but nothing lasts forever, not even perceived failure. The external world is a reflection of the internal experience. I doubted this for years... I fought it... Resisted... Backed up my excuse with logical scientific data to confirm to my ego it wasnt my fault. But after pulling back the layers of self, I realized fear had me by the balls and that I could transform this experience through walking in faith. Living from love. And sharing my experience selflessly with those who are also seeking more than what this illusory world of man is offering. It wasnt until I was open, innocent, and vulnerable to a new way of experiencing the universe that I was able and willing to allow myself to take on a new perspective, humbled by the past and eager to start asking new questions. Once this openness was created and an environment of support was around me, the feeling of safety and security set it. I began to go on adventures of self discovery, self actualization, and uncovering the layers of shit that I piled on top of myself to hide myself from the world. It wasnt until the layers started to be removed, that the relationship with self strengthened and became integrated. Something, I never understood before this was experienced. We dont have to hide ourselves. We dont have to cover up the light that shines through us. We dont have to hide the aspects of ourselves which we believed were bad, sinful, dirty, or unpleasant. Oftentimes the aspect of self we feel is the worst part, is actually our greatest gift to share with the world. Until we allow ourselves to be open to the many aspects and dimensions of truth, well never find it. Ive come to understand up to this point, life is very interwoven, entangled, alive, and full of blessings. the universe speaks to us, just ask questions and watch the answers be shared with you. This year will be a year of patience, kindness, compassion, warmth, wisdom, love, and sharing. For until we are honest with ourselves, we wont see an honest world. Be the change you want to see in the world. The world is like a room of mirrors. Mirrors are everywhere, how you perceive and interpret and react to the reflections creates our experience. Our emotions are the power that drives us. Its wise to actively observe and consciously choose our thoughts because they shape our reality. But the simplest answer and the only choices we really ever make come from fear or from love. I personally have found the ones from love are the best. ;) Big love to you! Thank you for being you. Life is a journey of transcending and including.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:58:53 +0000

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