Wowzers!!!!!!!!! Read this!!!!!!!! Diane shares. Ok well I want - TopicsExpress


Wowzers!!!!!!!!! Read this!!!!!!!! Diane shares. Ok well I want everyone to understand my Excitement and Joy!! Thirty-three years ago I was diagnosed as a type 1 insulin dependent diabetic. I had done really good with very few side effects from the diabetes. Until four years ago when I was struck by a horrible illness that to this day still remains un-diagnosed. It all started with a very bad pain in my left shoulder. It didnt take long before I could no longer use that arm to do much of anything including reaching for things higher than my shoulder or trying to grab a door if I realized last minute that someone else was behind me. The pain was horrible and would almost make me cry. I was given cordizone shots for what they first thought was tendonitis with no relief and then for burcitis with no relief. Then I underwent surgery for what they diagnosed as a frozen shoulder and all the inflammation built back up within two months. By this time my hips were starting to hurt pretty bad and so was my foot. The doctor put me on Hydrocodone for the hip pain but it didnt work much. I had an MRI done on the foot and was given another cordizone shot for Plantar Fasciitis, bone spurs and lots of inflammation. I went to an arthritis doctor who diagnosed me with psoriatic arthritis and put me on Humira injections for 5 months which did absolutely nothing for me. In the following month the right shoulder had also started to hurt real bad, and I could no longer get a bra on without help. I had to lay down in bed in order for my husband to shave my armpits because the pain of him trying to lift my shoulder high enough to shave them made me drop to the floor in pain. Putting a seatbelt on was very difficult not to mention trying to close the door. Then my doctor told me that it must be fibromyalgia since there was so much inflammation building up inside my body and she put me on muscle relaxers, and guess what? It did no good. I was so desperate to find something that would work. I would go grocery shopping and have to stop just inside the door due to the pain in my hips from walking from the car to the store. I stopped almost every 5 mins from the pain. If I had to bend down to pick something up I would have to do it very slowly as my knee felt like it was going to explode. Getting up meant that someone would have to help pick me up because I couldnt use my arms to help me and I couldnt put the pressure on my knees. Life was getting to be too much for me and my daughter is getting married in December and I am supposed to perform the wedding ceremony. I was afraid that I would be doing that from a wheelchair. Then a couple weeks later I started to have pain in my neck and could barely turn my neck. All of my muscles and nerves were wrapped up with inflammation. I began to wonder if the one very important muscle in my body would also get inflamed. That muscle is my heart. If that happened I would surely die. My already existing severe anxiety and mild to moderate depression really took hold of me. Im only 50 years old and I am not ready to die yet. I have a lot of life left still inside me. I met a wonderful woman on May 25, 2013 her name is Joy McMillan. God brought Joy back into my life that day. I started my journey with Plexus Slim. I started to feel a little better just two days into taking it. After a week I signed up as an ambassador so that I could receive wholesale pricing. This product had worked so well for me that I knew I needed the wholesale pricing. In one week I lost 5 lbs., I had energy, my blood sugars were dropping and I had to lower my insulin dosage, and my anxiety was beginning to slip away. Week two I lost another 5 lbs, and I received my new welcome package with one month supply of Plexus Slim, Accelerator, Bio Cleanse, Pro Bio 5, Fast Relief Full Body Relief and Fast Relief Nerve Health Support. My anxiety was almost non-existent, and I started to smile again. It had been a long time since I had really smiled. The depression was no longer an issue. By the third day of taking the Fast Relief I was able to move my arms slightly higher and my hips were starting to get better. By the time I started my third week I could actually lift my arms up above my head. My hips no longer hurt. The knees are taking a little longer to heal but they are getting better. My insulin dosage has gone from 50 units per day down to 20 units per day. Today I sat in my hammock chair and I lifted my arms all the way up in the air and yawned. You know I havent been able to lift my arms to yawn in 4 years!!!!!! I am finally coming back to LIFE, and soon these last four years will be a distant memory that I never want to relive. As long as I have Plexus in my life I am cured. Plexus has all natural ingredients in it. It is not a medication and has no chemicals of any kind. It is pure nature that helps balance your hormone levels. When your hormone levels are out of balance you can end up with so many problems. Most doctors just want to treat the symptoms not find out what the problem is and fix it. Plexus actually fixes the problems which most of are caused by hormone imbalances. There are no side affects with Plexus which is one of the biggest reasons I chose it. I dont want medications, chemicals or side affects to anything I take. I will get my blood work done in July or August and then I hope to be off of my cholesterol medication, thyroid medication, anxiety medication, and already off the muscle relaxers. Stay healthy, Live longer and drink pink!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 02:48:58 +0000

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