Written Updates Episodes 51-60 Episode 51: The Episode - TopicsExpress


Written Updates Episodes 51-60 Episode 51: The Episode starts with Amma talking to Vandu and showing her the dinner set. Vandu says very nice. Amma says remember Soumya, we bought this together last summer. Vandu says will this be useful to Ishita. Amma says Ishita won’t eat punjabi food daily else she will get ill. She says lets do the packing. Mrs. Balaram comes with Siri and asks whats this stone. Amma says its a grinder to make chutni with idli and dosa. She says Ishita will cook in these utensils as you cook non veg. Siri asks where will we keep this. Vandu says Ishita will figure it out. Vandu asks them to sleep on time and taunts Siri laughing. Siri says did she point on me. Mrs. Balaram says don’t take tension, she did not point me. Sujana says I can’t believe this, Ishita is very clever, she played a good game. This was happening right infront of my eyes and I did no figure out. Ashok will be annoyed knowing this. Ashok comes and asks whats up. She says listen to me. He says you left that loser and came to me, I pity the woman who is marrying Rahul. Sujana says Ishita is marrying Rahul. Ashok is shocked. Sujana says everything is finished, its all over. She says Rahul played a game with us, now we can’t do anything, he is going to take my Poorni from me. Ashok says we will get Poorni, Ishita hated Rahul, then why is she marrying him. We have to stop this marriage. Sujana says its in morning. Ashok says you will stop all this, by telling her everything about Rahul which we know about him. He says about Rahul’s shameless act which only we know. Sujana says how can I say. Ashok says you have to tell her, if you want Poorni, stop their marriage. He says Ishita will say no listening to this. Sujana smiles. Ishita’s haldi is going on. Everyone are happy. Vandu talks to Menaka. Ishita smiles happily. Appa and Amma are happy too. Appa asks Amma to apply haldi to Ishita, Amma says pinch me, he pinches, she says now I feel that my Ishu is getting married. Appa says come soon to the mandapam, I will leave, Balu is waiting for me. Amma comes to Ishita and applies the haldi. Amma asks Menaka to keep Ishita’s clothes ready in her room. Sujana calls Ishita and Menaka sees it and takes the call. Sujana says can I talk to Ishita, I have some urgent work. Menaka says her haldi ceremony is going on, I will make you talk to her later. Sujana says before it gets late, I have to go there. Rahul’s haldi is also going on in Balaram’s house. Siri teases Rahul. Mrs. Balaram asks Siri not to tease Rahul. Rahul talks to his office men and asks them to come to Kalyana Mandapam. The men gossip who will marry Rahul. Everyone apply haldi to Rahul. Rahul says enough. The Balarams dance. Rahul says stop it now. Mrs. Balaram says tear his clothes. Rahul says why. Rahul tears his vest himself. He leaves. Ishita gets ready for her marriage. She looks beautiful in her bridal dress. Menaka says Rahul will faint today seeing you. Ishita says Amma, how much jewellery. Amma says its our good luck. Ishita smiles seeing Amma happy. Amma says I waited for his day since years, let me do what I want. Amma says we will leave now. Sujana comes to meet Ishita. Vandu says its Ishita’s marriage today. Sujana says I need to talk to her, its important. Sujana meets Ishita. Ishita is shocked to see Sujana. Sujana says I need to talk to you urgently, I know you are marrying Rahul, I don’t have any problem, but you should one truth before going to the mandap. Amma says we can talk later. Ishita says she is Rahul’s first wife, its important to know what she wants to say, you go, I will come. Sujana says trust me Ishita, I stayed with Rahul for years, I did not tell this to anyone, you are going to marry him so you should know. She says it will make you realize how is Rahul. Sujana tells Ishita. (Muted!!) Ishita is shocked. Ishita says enough, don’t say anything, how is this possible. Sujana says now you decide what you have to do. Ishita cries. Rahul brings the baraat. Amma says stop it and asks her party to play south indian music. Mrs. Balaram is annoyed. Balu does the rituals and welcomes Rahul and his family. Rahul meets his assistants and goes with Veer to finish his work. The girls like his dedicated. Amma says he knows only work. Balu comes with South Indian clothes for Rahul. Rahul says dhoti? I can’t wear this, how will make me wear it. The girls laugh hearing this. Balu asks Veer. Veer says no. Balu says we don’t have any other option, I will help you change. Rahul dresses in pure south indian clothes. Rahul looks much handsome. Episode 52: The Episode starts with Balu asking everyone to take Rahul to the mandapam. Veer laughs seeing Rahul. The girls say he is looking very cute. Rahul sends his employees. Balu says come Rahul, everyone are waiting for you in the puja. Rahul comes with the girls. Menaka asks Rahul to remove his shoes and sit in the mandap. Rahul asks Menaka not to steal the shoes as he has another pair in the car. Everyone laughs. Amma comes and does a ritual with Rahul. The Balarams laugh on South Indian rituals. Amma asks Rahul to act as if he is running leaving the marriage. Rahul says what if I really run off. Mr. Balaram asks Rahul to do it. Rahul starts the acting and runs. Appa bows down to him at his feet. Rahul says don’t do this, you are elder. Appa requests him not to run and marry his daughter saying my daughter will always serve you. Everyone ask Rahul to run again. He runs and comes back to join everyone once the ritual is completed. Ishita comes and says it would have been good if you ran away. Everyone are shocked seeing Sujana. Ishita comes to Rahul and looks at him angrily. She says I can’t marry you Mr Rahul Balaram. Everyone are shocked. Sujana gets a call and says the maid brought Poorni here, she wanted to attend your marriage. Ishita asks Menaka to bring Poorni. Ishita tells Appa that Rahul has hidden his life’s biggest truth. She says Rahul has a 11 year old son Aditya. Iyers are shocked. Ishita says he is in Dehradun’s hostel. She says he is a monster. She asks Sujana to tell everybody. Sujana speaks against Rahul and says he is not good for kids. She says when my son was 8 years old, Rahul has beaten him so much only because he chose me in our fight, Rahul was shouting on me. Aditya tried to stop him and we had to take him to hospital. She says we had problems in our marriage, but Rahul have anger in every relation. He has beatn his own son that Aditya gave in court to speak against him and chose me. Rahul says Sujana is lying. He says I have a son. Ishita says he has a son, and we did not even know about it. How can he hide such a big truth, you have beaten him, we can’t trust you. She says you can do the same with Poorni. She says I will not support you in this. She says Poorni should go to Sujana, not you. Sujana apologizes to everyone and says I had to tell the truth. Ishita says no need to apologize. She says Rahul does not deserve anyone, I don’t want to marry him. Sujana smiles. The lawyer asks Rahul to cool down. Poorni comes there and hugs Ishita. Ishita requests Sujana to let Poorni stay with her. Sujana says sure and leaves. Mrs. Balaram is angry on Sujana and cries as the marriage is called off. Ishita talks to Appa and says I m very sure about my decision, I did this to send Sujana from there, I will marry Rahul for Poorni’s sake. I won’t let Rahul beat Poorni ever, I will control his anger, I hate Rahul a lot, but this marriage I have to do. Appa says its tough to live hatred life, but I can’t let you do this, why are you doing this. Ishita says my love for Poorni is greater than Ishita. I will do this marriage and will always stand between Rahul and Poorni. The lawyer asks Rahul to stay cool. Mrs. Balaram says we know what happened that night. Sujana put the blame on Rahul. She curses Sujana. Rahul says how can I forget, Sujana proved me a bad father to take my son. Rahul gets sad. Mrs. Balaram says we know the truth. Rahul says Sujana lied always, I don’t want to recall that day. Veer says we all forgot that but it came our like this, we never expected this. Rahul says Ishita won’t marry me after knowing all this, but I care about Poorni, I want Poorni with me. He asks the lawyer to think about getting Poorni. Poorni comes to Ishita and asks whats going on, will you not marry my dad. Ishita says no Poorni, I will marry your dad, I promise. Poorni says but you said you won’t. She says now I m saying I will be your Mumma. Poorni hugs her. The lawyer Pathak asks Rahul to talk to Ishita. Rahul says its final, she won’t marry me. Ishita says i will marry you. Rahul is shocked. The Balarams are happy. Rahul looks at Ishita. Ishita apologizes to everyone for misbehaving. She says I did this to send off Sujana. She was prepared to stop the marriage which I did not wish, so I acted. Rahul now understands. She says I made Sujana think she won, but this marriage is happening for Poorni. She says I m shocked to know about Aditya, how can anyone hide about him, Poorni is the foundation of this marriage and I m marrying for her sake. I m ready to marry. Mrs. Balaram thanks the Lord. Amma smiles. Ishita thinks she is marrying to save Poorni from Rahul. Mrs. Balaram does Balle Balle. Amma says the muhurtam is passing by, hurry up. Rahul says i know you trust Sujana, but that is not true. Ishita says I don’t want explanations, Poorni is with me and I will never tell her your truth. I will keep her safe from you. He says the truth is something else. He goes to the mandapam. Sujana and Ashok are happily drinking wine. The lawyer calls Ashok and Ashok says we will win the case. Ashok tells Sujana we are going to win. Sujana says that calls for a party. Ashok calls someone and books a banquet hall. Sujana smiles. Sujana says shall we start inviting everyone. Ashok says yes, it will be Rahul’s failure tomorrow, we will win, everyone will see tomorrow that ashok Babuna is much better than Rahul. Sujana says Poorni will be never his. Episode 53: The Episode starts with the marriage rituals beginning. Rahul and Ishita exchange the garlands. Everyone are happy. Balu’s mum says Ishita’s every marriage is entertaining with twists and turns. Rahul and Ishita are made to do the rituals by the pandits. They sit in the mandapam facing each other. Rahul makes her wear the mangalsutram. Appa holds Ishita. Siri makes Ishita wear the feet rings. Mrs. Balaram asks Poorni to do the ghat bandhan. Poorni does the kongu Mudi. Ishita smiles. Everyone clap. Rahul does the ritual of touching Ishita’s feet. He pulls Ishita by holding her feet and makes her walk. Mrs. Balaram and Siri does not like it. They take the rounds. Poorni is much happy. The marriage is completed. They take their parents blessings touching their feet. Mrs. Balaram says what you heard about Rahul today, I won’t give any explanations, but send Ishita to our home happily. Mrs. Balaram dances with her family. Amma says lets go and have food now. Balu makes Rahul eat idli with his hand. Menaka says have this garlic. Appa says stop Menaka, enough now. Ishita laughs. Sujana tells Ashok that I have stopped Rahul and Ishita’s marriage and Poorni will be ours now. Ashok says yes, I love this. Sujana asks when will you marry me. Ashok says don’t talk about it, you already have kids. I am joking, don’t take it seriously. Its our happy days now. Appa cries. Ishita says don’t get emotional Appa. Amma says she will come to us daily, she is in our neighborhood. Mr. Balaram asks Appa not to worry as they will be keeping Ishita as their daughter. Mrs. Balaram says lets go, we have to do their Grah pravesh also. The Balarams leave for home. Amma consoles Appa. Mrs. Balaram welcomes Ishita happily. She tells Ishita to cover her head with kongu. Ishita does so. Mrs. Balaram does their tilakam and haarati. She asks Ishita to hit the kalasham and come in with Rahul. Rahul gets a call from office and says I will come in 15 mins. He says let me leave now. Raja jokes. Mrs. Balaram says do these rituals. Rahul says shall I go now. Poorni says I will be with Ishita now. Ishita says you have to go to Sujana today, then we will meet in court. Mr. Balaram says don’t tell anything to Sujana. Mrs. Balaram takes Ishita inside. Rahul says I have a meeting in my office. Siri tells him that we have booked a suite for you and Ishita’s wedding night, come home at night. Mrs. Balaram makes Ishita wear bangles and asks her to keep it for one month. She says when Sujana comes to know about your marriage tomorrow, she will be shocked. Amma comes to Ishita’s room and looks at her photo. The puppy comes and Amma tells him that Ishita went. She cries. Appa comes to her and says you made fun of me when I cried, now look at yourself. Amma says I wished Ishita to get married in good house, but I did not know she will leave us. Appa says she is close to you. Amma says I wish she stays happy. Appa says yes, she will bring happiness in everyone’s life. Ishita reaches the hotel. She comes to know that Rahul has checked in. Siri comes and says Mrs. Balaram, hello. She says I came to take you to my brother. Siri says let me drop you to the lift for your big night. Rahul comes to the hotel suite. He gets motions having south indian food and is drained. Siri asks Ishita to wear lingerie so that she can wear it tonight. She says I celebrated my first night here in this hotel, shall I give you tips. She asks Ishita to set the mood. Ishita feels shy. Siri says we are not outdated. She says I get discounts when i buy nighties. She says its very s**y, I will take you tomorrow, manage today. Ishita says the lift came. Siri says go, I won’t come with you, I m surprised, enjoy, happy married life, your hatred will go tonight. Ishita says where am I stuck God. Episode 54: The Episode starts with a misunderstanding where Rahul asks the hotel manager to send the medicines for him. A waiter comes to Ishita and gives her a packet. He says Rahul has asked for this. Ishita takes it and checks it. She is shocked to see the contraceptives. She goes to talk to Rahul who is having a big stomach problem. Rahul asks her to give it to him as soon as possible. She says I won’t, you can’t do this. He insists and says I need to control, I can’t live without it. The confusion begins and the scene is very funny. Rahul says its good to take precautions. She says you did not tell me this before marriage, I won’t let this happen. He says will you stop me, I want it, give it to me. She says no, I m going. She runs. He says is she mad, I was asking for medicines. He sees the contraceptives and says I did not ask for this, I asked for medicines. We are married for Poorni. Ishita moves back. He says sit down, how could you think, you should I m going to control that, Cheh. She laughs thinking about his stomach ache. He says who adds spice in rice. Ishita says sorry and gives him medicines. He says I don’t take to take risk with you. She laughs after he leaves on the misunderstanding. She says I m stupid. Rahul calls Veer and says I m having stomach ache and Ishita is giving me some medicines, bring medicines from my drawer and come to the hotel. Ishita thinks of calling Menaka. Ishita calls Menaka and tells him about Rahul’s stomach problem and asks her to bring butter milk. Amma thinks what does Ishita want this time. Menaka makes the butter milk. She asks Amma to pack it. Amma sees it and says so unromantic. Amma says I should give them Badam milk and packs the milk. Menaka comes and says I will leave now, bye. Amma smiles. Veer sees Menaka standing out and asks where are you going, I will drop you. She says I will manage. He insists. She thinks of accepting his help and sits in his car. Veer says where are you going. She says hotel. He says I m also going there, Rahul asked for the medicines. She says even I have, ishita asked for. Menaka thinks he thinks I have forgiven him. Veer talks to her. She still acts angry. He says whats your problem. She says its my normal style. He says what about yesterday. She says I don’t remember anything. Veer thinks what to do with girls, never understands them. Ishita laughs on Rahul. Veer comes with Menaka. Ishita hugs Menaka. Rahul takes Veer with him. Ishuta says it was a funny confusion. Veer gives Rahul medicines. Rahul takes the tablets. Ishita says stop, have this, this is better. Rahul says no thanks. Ishita says I m a doctor. He says you are a dentist. She gives it to him and leaves with Menaka. Rahul asks Veer to stay with him at night. Veer says how can I stay here. Rahul drinks the badam milk and shouts. Ishita comes back. Rahul says whats this. Ishita asks Menaka to stay with her. Rahul says this is milk. She says this is butter milk. He says check it yourself. Ishita asks Menaka about this. Menaka says i brought butter milk. Rahul and Ishita have an argument. Veer and Menaka leave. Menaka laughs. Veer says its fine they are fighting, everything will be set. He says fight is first step of love. Its morning, Amma gets the newspapers and says now Ishita will read the paper there. Amma sees Mrs. Balaram and wishes good morning. Mrs. Balaram says the morning is good, same to you. amma says now we should end our fight, take care of my daughter. Mrs. Balaram says we don’t move our of war. Mr. Balaram greets Amma. Amma leaves. Mr. Balaram asks Mrs. Balaram to end the fight. Mrs. Balaram saysI feel happy fighting with her. She says think about Siri, she won’t digest food without fighting with Iyers. Rahul is sleeping in the bath tub. He wakes up, gets freshen up and comes to the room. Ishita is also awake and looks at him. She says did you sleep in the bathroom. He says no, I was playing cricket there. She laughs. He says the honeymoon is over, lets leave now. She says leave your attitude at home. She asks is the stomach problem over. He opens his bag and says these clothes are not mine. They argue again cutely. Episode 55: The Episode starts with Rahul and Ishita coming home from the hotel. Ishita smiles. Everyone are happy to see them at home. Siri passes a comment that they might have not slept. Mrs. Balaram asks Ishita to go and get ready to come for breakfast. She asks Rinki to show her the room. Pinki says this is your room, if you need anything, let me know. She asks Rahul where should I keep my clothes. He says find it, this cupboard is mine. They start arguing. He says keep it at yoour mum’s place, you can take it any moment from there. He says I have to go to office. She says I have to go to clinic, and then court. Ishita sees Mrs. Balaram doing yoga and asks her can I have bath in any other bathroom, I m in hurry. Mrs. Balaram says no, the bathrooms are busy, wait for sometime. Ishita thinks what to do. Appa is missing Ishita. Ishita comes and says make coffee for me, I m getting late. Amma is happy seeing her. Appa says why did she come here. Amma says Ishita is getting late so she came here. Appa says make some sweet for her, she came here for first time after marriage. Menaka asks Ishita what happened at night, tell me. Ishita says I slept after some time and he slept in the bathroom. Ishita says he did not let me go in the bathroom. Menaka laughs hearing the story. Ishita says what was the need for the Badam milk. Menaka says I brought butter milk, I don’t know how it got changed. Ishita says I m going, bye Amma Appa. Appa says you are looking so pretty in saree. He says sit with me for two mins. Amma and Appa look at her and smile. Ishita asks what happened. He says nothing, have some sweets, as you came first time after marriage. Ishita says I will keep coming daily, no formalities. She says I m getting late for clinic. Ishita comes back. Mrs. Balaram says where did you go, come have breakfast. Ishita sees non veg and says I m not hungry, I will have tea. Mr. Balaram looks at the food and understands. Mrs. Balaram asks Ishita to have something. Mr. Balaram comes to Appa and says I came to have idlis. Amma says welcome, the idlis are hot. Mr. Balaram makes an excuse and asks him to pack some idlis for him. Mr. Balaram brings the idlis for Ishita. Ishita is surprised. He says its made by your mum. Pinki says I will also have. Siri says the air is changing. Mrs. Balaram says don’t worry. Rahul says I m going to office. Mr. Balaram asks Rahul to reach the court on time. Sujana and Ashok are at the court. Ashok says I think Rahul might not come today. Sujana says Rahul might be desperate. Ashok underestimates Rahul. he says I don’t think he will come. Rahul comes and Ashok says hello. Ashok says remember Sujana, he challenged us that we will take Poorni to his house. Ashok says you thought you will marry Ishita and it will work. He says this is a lesson to show that Ashok Babuna always wins. Rahul says stop this and taunts him. Rahul looks at Poorni. Ashok says did you see, he is afraid of me. Sujana says lets go inside. Ashok says call Ishita, she is the important person. Sujana says she will come, don’t worry, she will speak against Rahul. Sujana takes Poorni inside. Ishita arrives. Sujana and Ashok are shocked to see her married. Rahul looks at their reaction. Rahul says she is Mrs. Ishita Rahul Kumar Balaram. Sujana is shocked. Ishita sits beside Rahul. Mrs. Balaram smiles seeing Sujana. Sujana says I don’t believe this, Ishita married Rahul. Ashok asks whats this, you told everything is under control. Sujana says I don’t know why she did this, I have to talk to her. Sujana messages Ishita asking her to meet outside. Rahul says where are you going. Ishita says coming in two mins. Ashok says Sujana sort this problem now. Sujana asks Ishita why did you do this. Ishita says I m sorry, I had to marry. Sujana asks what are you saying. Ishita says I wanted to safe Poorni so I married Rahul, so that I can be in between them. Sujana says you should have supported us and you could not have married Rahul. Ishita says would you be able to keep Poorni happy, you wanted to send Poorni to hostel, I m not worried about me, I did this for Poorni’s happiness. Poorni tells Ashok that she has to go to bathroom. Sujana says you have cheated me. Ishita says I did this for Poorni. Sujana taunts Ishita. Ishita says whatever you told about Rahul is true, but I will do everything for Poorni. Ashok hears this. Ishita comes back. The hearing starts. The judge calls Poorni. Sujana smiles and takes Poorni. Poorni looks at Ishita. Ishita smiles. The judge asks Poorni with whom you want to live, Nanna or Mummy. Poorni says I want to live with my Mummy. Ishita thinks she is talking about her and smiles. Poorni says Sujana Mumma. Ishita, Rahul and everyone are shocked. Sujana smiles. The judge says so its Poorni’s decision. They take Poorni to Sujana. Ishita cries looking at Poorni. Sujana hugs Poorni. Ashok smiles looking at Rahul. Episode 56: The Episode starts with Poorni telling the judge that she wants to stay with Sujana. Everyone are shocked. Sujana is much happy and hugs Poorni. Poorni looks at Ishita. Ishita cries. The judge says I will take a half an hour recess and I will make the decision after that. Ashok smiles. Sujana says you did something right Ashok. Ashok says what do you think. Sujana says now I think you are perfect for me. Rahul talks to Ishita and says Poorni chose Sujana, now this marriage does not mean anything. He says I will talk to my layer and makes the divorce papers ready. Ashok comes to taunt Rahul. Appa calls Ishita and she tells him that she is outside the court room. Ashok says maybe Ishita can run away leaving you, she loves Poorni, I m thinking to call her when our maid is on leave. Rahul gets angry. He tells Ishita that you can come anytime to meet Poorni. Ashok says happy married life. Sujana says whats the point in this Ashok. Ashok says I always help you. Ishita looks at Poorni and thinks why did she choose Sujana, she is not happy with her decision, maybe Poorni does not want to be away from her mother, I just wish she stays happy. Ishita thinks about her moments with Poorni and cries. Rahul asks Ishita not to cry. He says why are you crying. Ishita says whats your problem. You can’t see anything. I m not crying for you, I m crying for Poorni. I should be happy that Poorni is going to her mum. I did this marriage for Poorni, I was going to start my life with Poorni. Rahul says Poorni does not love you and does not want to live with you, you can’t start your new life now. Ishita wishes the Lord to make the right decision for Poorni and for her happiness. The recess is over. Poorni’s case begins again. The judge says I have taken the decision that Poorni will be with her new mum Ishita. Sujana is shocked. Everyone are happy hearing this. Poorni smiles. Sujana says how can this be, Poorni chose me. Ashok says Poorni should be with her mum. The judge says Poorni met me in the recess. I called her to meet me. Ashok says shit. Sujana says don’t tell me, what did you tell Poorni. The judge asks Poorni to tell everyone what she told her. Poorni says Ashok uncle took me to the bathroom. She says Ashok uncle told me a secret. He taught me to tell that she wants to be with Sujana. He told her that Ishita will also be leaving her. Whenever Rahul marries someone, the girl changes. He taught her to choose Sujana. The judge says you should be ashamed to do this Ashok. This is against my rule book, you are using a child against each other. The judge tells some lines about mum. We have given this decision in favor of Poorni. I will review this case on regular basis. If anyone tries to use the child again, I will make him get arrested under child abuse. Poorni hugs Ishita. Sujana leaves angrily with Ashok. Ashok says she is Rahul’s daughter. Sujana says shut up, you scared Poorni that the judge knew it. They have an argument. Rahul comes clapping. Rahul replies back to Ashok’s taunt. He says you could not win. He says I know how Sujana is, but did not think you will fall to this extent. Rahul reminds them of his words. He says go home and drop Poorni at my home. Mrs. Balaram says don’t send Poorni with them, I will go with them. Rahul says fine, I will reach home, but Ashok has to drop Poorni. Ishita calls Amma and tells her that she got Poorni’s custody. Amma and Menaka are very happy. Ishita says now Poorni will be with me. Amma asks when are you coming home. Ishita says we are coming in some time. Amma says I will make some sweets for Poorni. Amma thanks the Lord for giving Poorni to Ishita. She says my Ishita have become a mum today. Menaka also thanks the Lord. Sujana stops Ishita and gets angry on her. She says you are a liar, you lied to me and have hidden the fact that you are marrying Rahul. You took away a child from a mum, you will never be happy. Mrs. Balaram takes Ishita’s side and supports her. She says you don’t have a right to speak to my kodalu like this, else I won’t leave you. Sujana is much angry. Ishita cries. Mrs. Balaram asks Ishita to reply back to Sujana whenever she tells her anything. She says next time, you have to fight back like me. She says now you are Poorni’s mum, I am showing you that a mum have to become a tigress also for their child. She says I will bring Poorni, you give a good welcome to Poorni that she never forgets. Episode 57: The Episode starts with Ishita thinking about Sujana’s words. She is cooking and gets angry. Siri and Pinki see Ishita cooking and see her working as a machine. Mr. Balaram gives her money saying its our ritual. He says you are making food for Poorni, but this is the first time you are cooking in our house. Ishita accepts it and greets him touching his feet. She says thank you uncle. He says uncle. She says thank you Mamayya. Everyone smile seeing Rahul come with Poorni. Ashok brings Poorni home. Rahul looks at him. Poorni runs to Rahul calling Nanna and hugs him. Sujana looks on sitting in the car. Mrs. Balaram taunts Ashok and Sujana. Rahul walks to Ashok and says what are you thinking I told you will come to bring Poorni to me. He asks him to leave. Ashok says you did not win yet, you are a loser and will always be, you married Ishita to get Poorni. Ishita humiliated you infront of the world, who does not respect you. She will never love you. Ishita hears them talking. Ashok says you are caught in a marriage where your wife does not love me. Ashok taunts Rahul. Sujana says come on, lets go. Rahul says one min, let me settle the scores. Rahul says you are right about Ishita, but the truth is you brought Poorni to me. Rahul says Ishita is lot better than Sujana. Ashok says great attitude for that girl. Rahul says she is my wife, I married her with rituals, she is Mrs. Rahul Kumar Balaram, talk with respect. Rahul taunts Sujana and says what should I call Sujana, she has no surname. He asks Ashok not to worry about him, as he is not his junior but far ahead of him. He is the CEO of the year. Ishita thinks whats Rahul talking, he thinks Poorni is his trophy. Rahul makes Ashok angry. Sujana says lets go. Rahul asks him to get lost. Ishita stops Sujana and returns the diamond necklace. Sujana takes it and leaves with Ashok. Rahul says got rid of one problem and I married another problem and brought it home. Everyone are happy with Poorni at home. They gift her chocolates and gifts. Poorni says even I brought gifts for everyone. Rahul and Ishita come inside and looks at Poorni. Poorni gives roses to everyone. There is only one rose left and Poorni thinks whom to give it, Ishita or Rahul. She thinks of an idea. Poorni says idea and asks Rahul to give the flower to Ishita on valentine’s day. Poorni gives the rose to Rahul and he gives it to Ishita. Everyone clap. Poorni dances. Ishita asks are you hungry Poorni. Poorni says I m hungry Ishiamma. Raja gets a call and leaves. Raja meets his friend and talks about delivering the bouquets. Menaka comes and Raja asks his friend to leave soon. Menaka says Hi Raja, did Poorni come. He says yes and offers her a rose wishing valentine’s day, of friends. She smiles and takes the rose saying thank you. She says lets go and meet Poorni. Sujana is angry on Ashok for not speaking in her defense. She says you are not marrying me, you told me that you will marry me after custody, the case is over and Rahul won, I don’t care, when will you marry me. Ashok says stop it, Rahul insulted me too. Sujana says so shut his mouth, marry me. If I become Mrs. Babuna, it will be a slap on him. She cries and says he is right, I don’t have any identity. Ashok says give me some time, trust me, I will do it. He says I have to take revenge from Rahul, wait and watch. He thinks he won the world by winning Poorni, I will make his world hell. Poorni makes the south indian dishes for Poorni. Ishita makes her eat by her hands. Poorni likes the food. Pinki loves the south indian food. Siri asks for eating eggs. Mr. Balaram says we will have what Ishita made. Rahul comes. Poorni asks him to sit with her and asks Ishita to make Rahul eat by her hands. Ishita and Rahul say Poorni. Ishita says your Nanna is not a small baby, he will eat himself. Poorni says I will not eat if you don’t make him eat. Episode 58: The Episode starts with Poorni asking Ishita to make Rahul eat by her hands. She says else I will also not eat. Ishita makes Rahul eat unwillingly. Rahul gets a call from his friend Nikhil. His friend tells him about the valentine’s and his anniversary party. Rahul says I won’t be able to come, I m busy. His friend insists and asks him to come. Mr. Balaram asks whose call is it. Rahul tells about the party and he won’t be able to come. Mr. Balaram says there won’t be any meeting, take Ishita with you in the party. Ishita says no, I want to spend some time with Poorni. Mr. Balaram says Poorni will be with us, you can give your time from tomorrow, this is final, go in the party. Amma and Appa come. Ishita is happy to see them. Appa says we brought Paisam for you. Mr. Balaram says great and asks the maid to bring plates. Amma says I m very happy to see Poorni. Amma says now we are your Nani and Nana. Poorni says wow. Appa says we brought a surprise for Poorni, thats MuttuSwamy, the puppy. Mrs. Balaram says I won’t keep this at home, take it back, I m afraid. Amma says its for Poorni. Poorni asks Mrs. Balaram to love the puppy. Mrs. Balaram says yes, I love this puppy. Everyone smiles. Ishita says your Muttu is back. Mrs. Balaram talks to Siri and says Amma is going against me, see how I take revenge. Siri says don’t worry, we will see her. Nikhil calls Sujana and invites her in the party. Sujana says I won’t be able to come. Ashok says he is my ex worker. Sujana says he kept a party and invited us. Ashok says tell him that we are coming, lets have some fun, forget what happened. She asks whats in your mind. He says you will understand when you come in the party. Ishita gets ready for the party. Poorni helps her in getting ready. Poorni comes to Amma asking for Ishita’s big earrings. Amma gives her. Poorni brings it to Ishita. Ishita wears it. Poorni goes to bring the bangles. She brings it and Ishita wears it. Poorni says you are looking very pretty. Rahul comes and sees Ishita with Poorni. He says I have to go to my bathroom to change my clothes. Poorni says I have to go first. Rahul says I have no space in my room. Ishita asks him to stop taunting. She says change your clothes, I m going. She leaves from the room. He says strange, it looks like its her room. Siri talks to Mrs. Balaram and says Pinki and I are going to late night show, take care of the kids. Mrs. Balaram says I know how to take care. Poorni asks Ishita to put rose in her hair. Ishita asks where is the clip. Poorni says I will bring it. Siri asks what happened, did Rahul send you here. Ishita says no, he is changing clothes. Siri jokes. Pinki says enjoy the party. Siri says my valentine’s is in Dubai. Siri asks Ishita to have fun as its her first valentine or did she have any boyfriend. She asks about Prateek. She says forget it. Poorni brings the clip. Rahul gets ready and comes. Poorni asks Rahul to put the rose in Ishita’s hair. Rahul puts it. Siri and Rinki looks on. Mr. Balaram and Mrs. Balaram are happy. Everyone smile. Ishita smiles as Rahul does not know to open a pin. Poorni dances. She brings Ishita’s purse and gives it to her. Rahul walks out. Poorni says go fast, Nanna went. Ishita signs bye and leaves. Rahul and Ishita are on the way. She asks where are we going, I don’t know anyone there. He says he is my college friend Nikhil, its his 12th wedding anniversary. He says don’t know how people’s marriages stay for 12 years. He says you are looking a flower vase, please don’t embarrass me and get the flower out of your hair. She says I m ok with this for Poorni’s sake. They reach the venue. Rahul scolds the driver for bringing him to the wrong place. Someone says its the same place. Rahul recalls the time when he attended the party with Sujana. Ashok dances with Sujana while Rahul got busy in talk. Rahul saw Ashok holding Sujana and felt odd. Ashok flirts with Sujana. Sujana says Rahul is seeing, please stop it. Ashok says let him see, I will take care of him. Rahul asks Sujana to come with him. He says Ashok is drunk, lets leave. He takes Sujana home with him. Ishita looks at Rahul. Rahul says lets go from here. Nikhil stops Rahul and takes him inside. Ishita says why did he bring me here if he had to leave me alone. Episode 59: The Episode starts with Rahul going with his friend inside. Ishita thinks why did he bring me with him if he had to go alone. Rahul sees the party and thinks about the last party and his fight with Ashok. Rahul’s friends meet him and have a drink together. Ishita says its so embarrassing, what if I go home, what wil Poorni say. Poorni calls Ishita and asks about the party. Ishita says having lots of fun here. Ashok and Sujana arrive and see Ishita talking to Poorni. They smile and walk inside. Sujana and Ashok look at Ashok. Ashok thinks now it will be fun. Nikhil meets them. Rahul sees them and recalls the old incident. Ashok was drunk and Rahul saw Ashok getting closer to Sujana. Sujana says Rahul does not like us getting closer, let me go. Ashok says I love you Sujana. Raaman beats Ashok for touching Sujana. Sujana takes Ashok’s side and cares for him. Rahul is shocked and asks he was misbehaving with you and you are favoring him. Ashok says tell him the truth Sujana, that you love me. Ishita thinks Rahul does not have manners. Ashok sees Ishita alone and says look at her, she is still alone coming with her husband, we are better than her without marriage, you and give her some company. Sujana says what. He says yes, do like I say, go and apologize to her, then bring her here. Sujana asks what do you mean. He tells his plan to her. Sujana smiles. Sujana says sometimes I feel I did nott do any mistake choosing you over Rahul. He says sometimes? She says shall I go now. He says yes go. Sujana comes to Ishita and says you here, Nikhil is Rahul’s friend too. She asks are you angry with me, its natural, I misbehaved with you, I m sorry Ishita, the situation was such, my daughter was going away from me. She says I m not upset that you married Rahul, come I will introduce you to my friends. Ishita says no, I m fine. Sujana says come, we will have a good time. Sujana meets her friends. Ishita looks on as they have a talk. They ask Sujana are you in touch with Rahul. They say Rahul had a good progress after he left Sujana. Sujana says leave it, we are divorced you. They say he is mad in your love. They ask does he call you. Sujana says no, we were tensed about Poorni’s custody and he won the custody. He wanted it so that he can hurt me. They say forget it, he is going good in life, Nikhil said he said he is whatever because of you. They have a laugh. Nikhil and Rahul comes there. Nikhil says Rahul was mad about you. Rahul says we are divorced now, we hate each other. Sujana says you are just the same, you spoil other’s happiness. Rahul says fine, I don’t want not stay here, I hate your name and your every memory. Nikhil stops Rahul. Nikhil says we met after so many years, enjoy the drink. Ashok comes to taunt Rahul. He asks Nikhil to excuse them. Rahul gets angry and asks him to drink as much he can digest. Ashok says today it got a little more. He says I m very hurt today, you have hurt me a lot. He says if you asked me something else, I would have given you, but Poorni…. you took away Poorni, do you have any idea how much I miss her. I will not forgive you for this. Rahul says Poorni is my daughter, she had to come to me. Ashok says you think you won the case, so she is yours. She is mine and I will take her at any cost. Rahul says you won’t stop barking. Ashok says I can’t digest that my Poorni is with you. Rahul says because I lose my temper, leave with Sujana. Ashok laughs and says you are a fool, you don’t know when did I start dating Sujana. It started when she came to my house party and I liked her at first sight. You came to know it very late, we met often. He says Sujana is smart and you are a fool. He says we were very close and when Sujana was pregnant then…… Rahul asks what, tell me. Ashok says leave it, your party will be ruined. Rahul says I have beaten you like a dog before. Rahul says tell me. Ashok says you thought Poorni was your love child, but I knew it that that child was not yours, but mine. Rahul is shocked and hurt. Ashok smiles. Ashok says Poorni is my daughter. Rahul says you are lying. Ashok says I will take my daughter back, I will prove in the court, you will always be a loser. Rahul drinks a lot hearing this. Sujana hears this and asks Ashok why did you lie to Rahul that Poorni is your daughter. Ashok says we did not come here to meet old friends, but to hurt Rahul. Now whenever he will see Poorni, he will see me, and he will curse himself why he took Poorni to his house. Sujana says Poorni is Rahul’s daughter and I know that truth. Ashok says it does not matter, Rahul will trust me. Ashok says lets party. Rahul thinks about Ashok’s words. Ishita comes to know that Rahul left. Nikhil says I will help you drop. Ishita says no, I will go myself. Ashok and Sujana see this. Ashok says Rahul left his wife alone, lets drop her. Sujana asks Ishita what happened, did Rahul go? She says it always happen, he does not care about anyone, we will drop you. Ishita says I will take a cab. Sujana says its not safe. Ishita sits with them. Ashok smiles. Episode 60: The Episode starts with Poorni waiting for Rahul and Ishita. She goes to Mrs. Balaram and finds her sleeping. She talks to Muttu. She says we four will sleep on the same bed, it will be fun. Ishita reaches home and asks someone where is Rahul. The man says he is much drunk and is at home. Sujana says let me drop you inside. Rahul is drunk and angry. Poorni hears some noise and goes to Rahul. Poorni says I m not feeling sleepy, where is Ishita. Rahul looks at her and thinks about Ashok’s words. Sujana says I m sorry Ishita, what you heard in the party, you might have felt bad, but honest this is the truth, Rahul still loves me, he can’t bear that I have moved on, he married you only for Poorni. He always does things to show me, he became CEO to show me, can you believe it. She says its love behind its hatred, he did not forget me. Did you notice Rahul does not see Poorni, because of this mole. It reminds him of Poorni. He feels I m with him, he is not over me, I m sorry. Ishita asks Sujana to stop it and says its your personal matter, I can’t hate you as this mole reminds me of Poorni and I can’t hate Poorni. I don’t want to know who was who, but I want to ask you why you left Rahul if he loved you so much. She says thanks, I came to know that he knew love. He was a good husband. She says I don’t want you to worry about me, I don’t regret marrying Rahul as I know he is not a good husband, I married the man who is Poorni’s father and Poorni matters to me. Sujana gets angry. Ishita says Rahul does not talk about you as much as you do about him. I think you miss him more, you regret losing him. Ashok comes there. Ishita says Sujana was talking about you, she was praising you a lot. Ashok says oh, Sujana baby, you love me so much. Ishita says thank you so much, good night. Rahul looks at Poorni and pushes her. Ishita comes and asks what happened, why did you push her. Poorni cries. Ishita sends her to the room. Ishita says don’t forget I m Poorni’s mum now, how dare you touch her. Rahul says I did not do anything. Ishita starts the argument. She says you are your child’s biggest enemy. I felt Sujana was wrong, maybe she cheated you and left you for money. I was wrong like always, you don’t love Poorni, Sujana was right, you took Poorni only to show down Sujana. Rahul says listen to me. Ishita says I m Poorni’s mum ad if you touch my daughter, I will break your hand, remember that. Ishita comes to Poorni. Poorni asks is Nanna not well. Ishita says he is fine, I m sorry on his behalf. Poorni says will Nanna sleep. Ishita says yes, after you sleep well. Poorni hugs Ishita and says I will sleep with you. Ishita says yes, I brought something for you. She gives her the rose. Poorni says thank you, its my flower. Ishita says yes, its yours for my doll, happy valentine’s day. Poorni asks whats valentine’s. Ishita tells when we love someone, we call it valentine. Poorni asks who is your valentine. Ishita says you. Poorni says is it true that there is someone for everyone. Ishita says yes, the Lord made you for me. They have a lovely talk. Ishita makes Poorni sleep. Poorni sleeps. Ishita kisses her forehead. Its morning. Rahul comes to his room and looks at Poorni. He thinks about Poorni’s words. He cries and thinks about Ashok’s words. Ishita comes there and starts again. Rahul says I was…. Ishita says I don’t care about your attitude problems, it should not affect Poorni, talk to Poorni when you are not drunk. She says I won’t tell anyone at home about yesterday night, but if you do again, I will inform the police too. Rahul says I don’t need to learn from you how to behave with Poorni. Poorni wakes up. Ishita brings milk for her and says lets get ready first. Ishita teaches Poorni how to brush her teeth. Rahul says I m getting late for office. Poorni says good morning Nanna. Ishita says it will take time, Poorni has to take bath. He says I have to go office. Ishita says men go out. Muttu walks out. Ishita laughs. Rahul leaves. Amma praises Ishita and Rahul. Balu’s mum says their marriage was entertaining. Amma’s friends come to meet Ishita and Rahul. Rahul comes to them. Amma says you, here. Rahul says Ishita and Poorni are using the bathroom, I m getting late for office, can I use your bathroom. Appa says sure. Amma gives Rahul’s choices. Appa irons Rahul’s shirt. Balu’s mum asks does Rahul come here daily for bath. Amma says no, Ishita is giving bath to Poorni there and Rahul has important meeting, so he came here. Appa brings Rahul’s shirt and says I have ironed it. Rahul says what was the need, I m sorry for this trouble. Appa says its your house, you can come anytime. Amma’s friends praise Rahul saying he is very handsome. Mr. Balaram scolds Rahul for leaving Ishita at the party and coming home alone. Rahul looks at Ishita. Mr. Balaram says she did not tell us anything, don’t look at her. The watchman told me that you came alone and she came later. He asks Rahul to say sorry to Ishita. Everyone looks on.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 07:46:00 +0000

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