Written by Christobell Unbound You can fool some of the people - TopicsExpress


Written by Christobell Unbound You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham Lincoln So the mainstream media are now labelling Brenda Leyland as mentally unstable, a conspiracy theorist with a fixation on the parents of a missing child. She wasnt. She was a well educated, refined lady, a popular and active member of her community and loved by those who knew her. Labelling Brenda and indeed all of us as conspiracy loons, the MSM can continue to ignore us and promote the agenda that Gerry and Kate McCann are the victims of a Portuguese conspiracy and a small underclass envious of the parents detached house and room for a pony. But lets deal first with the anti McCann conspiracy, involved are all those who do not believe that Madeleine was abducted, so as conspiracies go, its a pretty big group. Are our beliefs based on myths and rumours? No, they are based on the official Portuguese police files released after the case was shelved, wherein the Attorney General stated that Kate and Gerry McCann failed to prove their innocence. He did not clear them, as stated over and over again by every UK media outlet, the case was shelved because the McCanns and their friends refused to co-operate with the investigation. We are right to ask questions. The crime occurred in Portugal, so why are Scotland Yard investigating it? Are they saying, we dont accept your sardine munching findings, so we will come up with better ones ourselves, ta very much. Whatever Scotland Yard are doing, it cannot end in prosecution, they cannot drag Portuguese citizens over to the UK to put in an Old Baily dock for a crime committed in Portugal. So why are Scotland Yard investigating a crime in another country? To take this a wee bit further, can all UK citizens accused of crimes abroad expect the same treatment if they too dont like the conclusions of the host nation? FACTS. There is no evidence whatsoever to support the abduction story. Kate and Gerry McCann and their friends did not search on the night Madeleine went missing, they stayed in the apartment phoning everyone on their contact lists. Despite their daughter being taken in the night, the McCanns put their twins in the resort crèche the following day - 4th May. Kate refused to answer 48 police questions Most damning of all, specialist blood and cadaver dogs, trained by Scotland Yard, detected blood and the odour of cadaver in the McCanns apartment, the hire car and items belonging to Kate McCann. A child is missing so who died in 5A? In the majority of cases where a child is claimed to have been abducted, the parents have been involved, that is a fact. The McCanns are not even unusual in their behaviour, Youtube is full of grieving parents giving interviews, who have later been discovered to have killed the child themselves. The McCanns are unusual because they have had so much support from the government and the media. It is condescending and patronising of those journalists, who have clearly done no research whatsoever, to label people such as Brenda Leyland a conspiracy loon on the basis that she was only a member of the public and didnt know what she was talking about. Well news flash. Brenda knew exactly what she was talking about, and sure as eggs is eggs, Martin Brunt knew it too. If a journalist campaigns for a cause he/she believes in passionately, they are feted as heroes and presented with honours, accolades and awards. If a member of public acts similarly, they are obviously mentally unstable. Well those who speak out are the movers and the shakers of this world - whatever walk of life they come from, and Brendas passion was just as worthy as those with Reporter stamped on their passport. She was fighting for justice for the forgotten child in all this, Madeleine McCann. Her 4000+ tweets were a credit to her persistence, just what is it going to take for someone to stop the madness of the McCann scam. One crime has led to hundreds, and now it is taken a very sinister turn indeed. It can only get worse, unless someone out there has the guts to say, enough is enough. Martin Brunt knew immediately that Brenda Leyland was a nice, decent woman and probably wondered himself what the feck he was doing. Even under extreme duress, she was well mannered and kindly invited Martin and the crew into her home. I know Martin Brunt is feeling like shit right now, but he could go some way to putting this right, by revealing the full interview, the one in which she explained why she was campaigning and give her an opportunity to clear her name.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 17:35:02 +0000

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