Wyoming Skywatchers: JH Skywatch: July 31st, 2014: Today I walked - TopicsExpress


Wyoming Skywatchers: JH Skywatch: July 31st, 2014: Today I walked out of the grocery store and noticed one big, blatant chemtrail with an abrupt stop/start. Another plane was flying through the same section of the sky leaving a normal contrail that dissipated quickly. I didnt have a smartphone handy to check the altitudes of the relative altitudes of the plane that left the linger, spreading trail compared to the one leaving a quickly dissipating trail but the visible plane was clearly flying at a lower altitude than the one which had previously left a lingering, spreading trail. As such, theres no smoking gun in the sky aside from the abrupt start and stop to the lingering trail. As Im writing this Im watching the lingering, spreading trail turn into a high hazy cirrus cloud as it floats West with the atmospheric winds. Clearly these artificially induced clouds impact our weather and climate. Why dont the professional environmentalists address this issue? Why not ask Protect Our Winters Greenpeace International Greenpeace USA Greenpeace Canada World Wildlife Fund 350.org or any of the other big $ trust funded organizations pushing the CO2-centric agenda...
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:29:04 +0000

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