[XOXO HIGH] ^PARTS 7-10^ so since i posted parts 1-6 and its is - TopicsExpress


[XOXO HIGH] ^PARTS 7-10^ so since i posted parts 1-6 and its is pinned at the top of this page, i will just post parts 7-10 :3 Actually, im gonna post all parts 1-10 but when i clicked the post button, it wont, it said that message too long so i just decided to post this! :) hope ya understand, im not using my laptop right now, cause my mom borrowed it and brought it to her work, sooo i ended up using my tablet :( so enjoy^^ ©: Jham Panganiban Sto Domingo ~XiUMiNNiE »Part 7 of XOXO HIGH« Jamilla and Luhan running late Jamilla: oh my god cous! Faster we’re late! Luhan: it’s you’re fault cous! Last night it is so late and you keep on talking about Suho! (Jamilla bumped with somebody) Jamilla: UH! (she fell down on the floor) Luhan: oh cous! Are you okay?? (helping Jamilla to stand) Luhan: Oh Sehun! (they are shocked when they noticed that the person that Jamilla bumped to .. is Sehun) Jamilla: oh! I’m sorry! Sehun: it’s okay, here (giving Jamilla the book that she drop) Jamilla: thank you! Sehun: next time be careful (Jamilla and Luhan run again) Sehun: (stepped on something) Oh! (Sehun saw Jamillla”a I.D.) Sehun: wait! (he was about to give it but Jamilla and Luhan are already gone) ………………………. At the room D.O.: you two are almost late! Luhan: oh my! Yah! And it’s because Jamilla D.O.: Jamilla? Why? Jamilla: (to Luhan) Ssshhh … Luhan: (smiling) (to D.O.) I will tell you later Prof. Kris: class, Prof. Tao is here Prof. Tao: good morning, I have some news so.. as you noticed Mr. Kai is not attending class this past few days Luhan: (to D.O. and Jamilla) oh yes! I texted him so many time cause I want to ask how is he doing but there is no response from him. Prof. Tao: it’s because Mr. Kai is going to be transferred to other school Jamilla: oh my god! Prof. Tao: her aunt came to me early this morning to get his grades, Mr. Kai is now in the U.S. because of some family matter that’s why he leave immediately and her aunt said that Mr. Kai is going to continue his study there in the U.S. Jamilla: we didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to him (sad) D.O.: yes! that was so sad! Prof. Tao: and another news! Ask you can see “the bullies” is not here, and it’s because they are suspended for a week D.O.: oh sir why? Prof. Tao: Mr. Kai’s aunt also told us what the bullies did to Mr. Kai. So our principal decided to give them a suspension. Luhan: (to Jamilla) that’s why we saw Sehun at the gate leaving the school Jamilla: ooh .. D.O.: tsk! tsk! There is so many bad news right now! Our friend being transferred, students being suspended! Hayyy! So sad! Prof. Tao: Okat class that’s all, I’m hoping that there in no other students who will get a suspension, I hope “the bullies” was the last okay? Students: Okay Sir! Prof. Tao: Okay Thank you! Thank you also Prof. Kris! Bye class! ………………………….. At the canteen (Jamilla, Luhan and D.O. are eating) Luhan: I was worried about Kai Jamilla: me too! I wish we could contact him D.O.; Kai is really a nerd! He didn’t have even facebook account! How can we contact him! Jamilla: oh my god cous! (she noticed that she’s not wearing her I.D.) where is my I.D.?? Luhan: I don’t know, maybe you left it at home Jamilla: oh I’m not sure! (worried) (Suho, Lay, and Chanyeol is coming) Luhan: cous! Suho is coming! Suho: hi Jamilla Jamilla: oh hi! D.O.: oh my god how was your date last night! I forgot to ask about it! Suho: can we join you here? Jamilla: okay! Lay: I’m going to buy our food! Suho: so how are you Jamilla? D.O.: guys c’mon tell me what happened on your date! Luhan: Ssshhh… Jamilla: im okay, but we are worried about Kai Chanyeol: oh we heard about that and also about “the bullies” Suho: yes and that was sad Luhan: yes! cause we didn’t had a chance to say goodbye Suho! (somebady’s calling Suho) Chanyeol: oh! Suho! It’s your brother Taemin! (Suho was surprised) Taemin: we need to talk Suho! Suho: excuse us guys (Suho and Taemin leave) D.O.: chanyeol! Who’s that? Chanyeol: that’s Taemin. Suho’s older brother Lay: oh where is Suho? Chanyeol: Lay! Taemin is here!(worried) Lay: (shocked) really? Where did they go?? Chanyeol: I don’t know (Lay leave, look so worried) Jamilla: Chanyeol, is there anything wrong? Chanyeol: uhmmm… I think I am not the one who’s gonna tell you about this D.O.: I can see in your face that this was a very serious matter Luhan: me too! The reaction of Suho and Lay that was confusing (Jamilla is so confused and worried about Suho) Chanyeol: aaahh let’s eat( trying to change the topic) (they are eating quietly) ………………………. (Taemin is coming) Chanyeol: oh Taemin! Where is Suho? Taemin: (ignoring Chanyeol) can I talk to you? Jamilla: me? Taemin: yes Jamilla: ah okay… (Jamilla and Taemin go outside the canteen) Taemin: hi I’m Taemin, I’m Suho’s brother Jamilla: hi I’m Jamilla Taemin: I heard that Suho is courting you Jamilla: (Shy) yes, he is Taemin: I am sorry to tell this but .. Suho is already engaged Jamilla: (shocked) what?? Taemin: yes he already have a fiancé, but he don’t like to marry that girl, coz it was fix by the parents Jamilla: a fixed marriage? Taemin: yes my parents already fixed my brother’s marriage, and you know that Suho is a graduating student right?? Jamilla: Yes Taemin: they are getting married after Suho graduate Jamilla: (sad and look so pale) okay .. Taemin: look! Im not trying to be the bad person here, but I’m telling you this because, I don’t want my brother and also you to get hurt when that time comes, what I’m asking you is … (Taemin is not yet finish talking, Jamilla answered) Jamilla: yes, I understand the situation Taemin: I’m so sorry but .. I am doing this for your own sake and also for my brother, coz I don’t know what will happen I the two of you continue this .. Jamilla: okay, it’s okay! and thank you for telling me this and I also want to say sorry Taemin: no, I am the one who must say sorry Jamilla: no, it’s okay Taemin: thank you for your understanding! Jamilla: but where is Suho? Is he okay?? Taemin: he left already, our dad wants to talk to him Jamilla: I hope he is okay Taemin: don’t worry he’ll be fine Jamilla: again, I’m sorry! Taemin: stop being sorry, it’s okay and thank you! So .. I’ll go ahead Jamilla: okay Taemin: goodbye and thank you! (taemin leave) Luhan: cous! (coming to Jamilla) Chanyeol: Jamilla are you okay?? (Jamilla hugged Luhan and cried) Jamilla: cous! (crying) Luhan: it’s okay cous! D.O.: Chanyeol already told us! Chanyeol: I’m sorry Jamilla Jamilla: it’s okay! I understand Suho’s situation. ………………………….. Jamilla and Luhan’s room (Jamilla looking from a far) Luhan: cous! Are you okay? Jamilla: (take a deep breath) hhaaay! Yes cous! (trying to smile) Luhan: it’s okay cous!(patting Jamilla’s back) Jamilla: of course, nobody want this to happened, I know that Suho really don’t want this to happened Luhan: aren’t you mad of Suho?? Jamilla: no, his brother explained it to me, at least we knew about this before I fall for him. (Luhan hugged his cousin) Luhan: fighting cous! Let’s just forget about this! I know it’s hard but … fighting! (smile) Jamilla: this day is full of sadness, first is Kai and now this! Haaay.. I hope tomorrow would be better than this! Luhan: of course cous! Be positive! ………………… English class (not like the usual Luhan, D.O. and Jamilla are so quiet) D.O.:(whispering to Luhan) you think your cousin is really okay? Luhan: (whispering) I know that she’s not but, I know she can get through with this! She’s a fighter .. Prof. Chen: okay class that’s all for today! Goodbye! Jamilla: cous! I have to go to Prof. Tao’s office D.O.: why? Jamilla: I can’t find my I.D., I have to ask for a new one Luhan: okay! let’s go ………………… (they are wlaking and was about to leave the school) Luhan: Oh D.O. we have an assignments so stop watching Super Junior! (Jamilla laugh) Luhan: I knew it, that’s what makes you laugh cous! D.O.: I hate you both of you! You always making fun of me! (they all laugh) Suddenly Jamilla receive a text message Text message: hi Ms. Jamilla, I found your I.D. yesterday and I want to return it. Jamilla: oh cous! Somebody has found my I.D. look! (she let Luhan and D.O. read the message) D.O.: oh let’s go.. let’s see her or .. his .. or whatever! Luhan: I think that was a girl! Jamilla: okay I will reply (Jamilla texting: thank you! Is it okay if we could meet at the park now??) Luhan: thanks to that person! Even it was just a school I.D. she really want to return it.. such a kind person! (receive a text message again) Text message: Okay! Jamilla: oh let’s go Luhan and D.O.: okay! …………… At the park D.O.: Jamilla go text her where exactly she is Jamilla: okay! (few minutes later) Jamilla: she said “in front of the ice cream stand” (they are now going to the ice cream stand) D.O.: oh wait! Is that Sehun??? Luhan: where?? D.O.: there! In the front of ice cream stand! Luhan: oh? Is he the one who’s we’re going to meet? Jamilla: I think no, maybe he’s just there, maybe that girl .. the one who’s buying ice cream .. TO BE CONTINUED >>>>>> »Part 8 of XOXO HIGH« At the park D.O.: Jamilla go text her where exactly she is Jamilla: okay! (few minutes later) Jamilla: she said “in front of the ice cream stand” (they are now going to the ice cream stand) D.O.: oh wait! Is that Sehun??? Luhan: where?? D.O.: there! In the front of ice cream stand! Luhan: oh? Is he the one who’s we’re going to meet? Jamilla: I think no, maybe he’s just there, maybe that girl .. the one who’s buying ice cream (then they continue walking, they were surprised when the girl who’s buying ice cream left already, and the only person left there at the ice cream stand is Sehun) Sehun: you’re here (smiling) (Jamilla, D.O. and Luhan are surprised) Sehun: here! (giving the I.D. to Jamilla) Jamilla: uhhhmmm .. thank you! But how? How did it happen that you get this? Luhan: oh cous! Maybe when you get bumped to him yesterday. Right Sehun? Sehun: yes, you dropped it, I was about to give it to you but you already left, so I didn’t have a chance to gave it back to you Jamilla: oh.. thank you so much! Sehun: it’s nothing (smiling) Jamilla: but where did you get my cellphone number?? Sehun: there! On your I.D. Jamilla: oh! yes! ahaha .. (feeling shy) D.O.: oh Sehun, I never thought you have a good side Jamilla: hey D.O., don’t be like that Sehun; it’s okay D.O.: oh I’m sorry, I was just trying to joke Luhan: where is Xiumin and Baekhyun?? Sehun: actually, I don’t know D.O.: why?? Sehun: (just smiling) (a moment of silence) Sehun: oh you guys want some ice cream?? D.O.: you’re going to treat us?? Luhan: D.O.! Sehun: sure! D.O.: ahh Sehun you’re so kind! Jamilla: he’s always like that! (while they are buying ice cream, somebody holds Sehun’s shoulder, and when Sehun turn back ….) PUNCHED! (Sehun fell down) Luhan: oh my god! Jamilla: oh are you okay?? (trying to help Sehun to get up) Sehun: it’s okay Xiumin: Sehun! (Sehun is now standing, Xiumin grab Sehun’s collar) Xiumin: what huh! Is this your new group? What you call this group “the weird”?? (he punched Sehun again) Jamilla: Oh my god stop! (Xiumin pushed Jamilla) Jamilla: aah! Sehun: Xiumin stop! (he pushed Xiumin) Stop this! Baekhyun: Sehun! are you really going to throw our friendship?? Sehun: Baekhy…. (Ppprrrtttt!!! The park’s security is coming) Xiumin: c’mon Baekhyun! (Xiumin run) Security: hey you! STOP! Xiumin: Baekhun let’s go! (baekhyun also run) Jamilla: Sehun are you okay?? D.O.: oh my god! Blood! Jamilla: what happened Sehun? why your friends doing this to you? Sehun: no it’s nothing I’m okay! Jamilla: no! you’re not okay, look your lips! Luhan: Cous! We’re going to buy some medications for that! Jamilla: go cous! Sehun: no it’s okay! (trying to stop Luhan) Luhan: D.O. let’s go! D.O.: Oh my god! (Luhan and D.O. leaving) Jamilla: c’mon let’s sit over there (they are now sitting on the bench) Jamilla: here!(giving Sehun her handkerchief) wipe the blood on your lips) Sehun: I’m fine Jamilla: no! let me (Jamilla try to wipe Sehun’s lips) Sehun: ouch! Jamilla: See! You’re not okay! (Sehun get the handkerchief from Jamilla) Sehun: let me do it Jamilla: okay (moment of silence) Jamilla; that was really surprising! Sehun: I want to say sorry for that Jamilla: why you’re saying sorry?? Sehun: Xiumin is really a hard headed! Jamilla: why they did this to you?? Sehun: coz they’re thinking that I’m turning my back on them Jamilla: (confused) …………. Sehun: Thank you! Jamilla: (look at Sehun) what?? Sehun: I want to thank you Jamilla: for what? For that handkerchief? It’s okay! Sehun: no Jamilla: huh? Sehun: mmm… you know what .. after you talked to me .. I realized something Jamilla: realized what?? Sehun: I realized that being a bully is such a stupid thing Jamilla: are you serious with that? Sehun: yes! after you told me your story, I’ve said to myself that, maybe if I do not stop being a bully, I can also be kick out from school like what happened to you before, and look at me now I’m suspended! Jamilla: wow! Did I really make you realized that?? Sehun: believe it or not, what I’m saying is true, that’s why I want to thank you! Jamilla: don’t tell me that was the reason why your friends did that to you! Sehun: (shy) actually .. yes Jamilla: oh my .. Sehun: no! don’t think that it is because of you (Luhan and D.O. are coming) Luhan: cous! Here! D.O.: Sehun! are you okay?? Sehun: thank you! It’s okay don’t worry! (they was about to go home) Jamilla: are you really okay?? Sehun: yes and stop worrying D.O.: be careful on your way home Luhan: yes, maybe your friends is just around and waiting for a chance to hit you again D.O.: yes! they might hurt you again Sehun: no! I’m sure they’re not (smiling) Luhan: Okay! Sehun: ahh … Jamilla, your handkerchief I’m going to return it to you but I’ll wash it first Jamilla: no! it’s okay! you can keep it (they continue walking and they reached the bus stop) Jamilla: text us when you’re home okay? Sehun: I told you stop worrying, I’m okay! Jamilla: then okay! (smiling) let’s go .. (Jamilla, Luhan and D.O. ride the bus and Sehun continue walking) Xiumin: SEHUN! (Xiumin and Baekhyun suddenly appear) TO BE CONTINUED >>>>> »Part 9 of XOXO HIGH« (they continue walking and they reached the bus stop) Jamilla: text us when you’re home okay? Sehun: I told you stop worrying, I’m okay! Jamilla: then okay! (smiling) let’s go .. (Jamilla, Luhan and D.O. ride the bus and Sehun continue walking) Xiumin: SEHUN! (Xiumin and Baekyhun suddenly appear) Xiumin: Sehun! Baekhyun: how is it? Xiumin: does it work? Sehun: hey! You hit me so hard! Xiumin: oh really? Haha .. Baekhyun: how is she?? Xiumin: did she really believe? Sehun: yes! she’s really worried and …. Xiumin: and?? Sehun: I already told her what I really wanted to say! Baekhyun: nice one Sehun! Sehun: thanks to you guys Xiumin: it’s nothing! We told you that we’re going to help right? Baekhyun: you really like her huh! Sehun: I don’t know why I’m feeling this way right now but .. yes, I like her! Baekhyun: wooohoohoo! Our Sehun is now becoming a man! Xiumin: Sehun. we’re sorry if we get mad at you at first, but now we really understand you .. and me and Baekhyun, okay we will try to stop being a bully Sehun: really guys?? Baekhyun: yes! we will try .. Sehun: that’s great! But.. seriously Xiumin you hit me really hard! It’s hurting right now! Xiumin: ahaha .. it’s okay at least you get a chance to have a moment with Jamilla Sehun: ahh I really want to go back to school! Aaahhh! This suspension! Xiumin: it’s because of that Kai! If I see his face .. Sehun: hey! Hey! You said that you’re going to change! Baekhyun: you really had a bad temper Xiumin! haha Xiumin; tsk! Okay! okay! Sehun: haha .. let’s go guys! …………………… Jamilla and Luhan’s room Luhan: you know what cous! I was really surprised of Sehun! he really changed! (Jamilla at her phone) Luhan: cous! Cous! Jamilla: oh yes! Luhan: what can you say about Sehun?? Jamilla: huh? what do you mean?? Luhan: do you think that he really changed?? Jamilla : actually I am not surprised with that .. I already saw that .. I mean his good side, when I talked to him about my situation. Luhan: oh my god that conversation between the two of you is really mysterious and confusing! (Jamilla not listening to Luhan and keep on looking at her phone) Luhan: Cous! Hey cous! Are you listening? Jamilla: yes! I was listening Luhan: are you sure?? Jamilla; actually I was worrying about him, he’s still not texting me if he’s home! Luhan: oh my god cous! You really that worried?? Oh my cous! Don’t tell me you already like him? Jamilla; oh my cous! You’re over reacting! i’m just worried because I think it’s because of me?? Luhan: huhh? Jamilla: I think it’s because of me why did his friends are now mad at him Luhan: you? Why? Jamilla: Sehun said that after I talked to him, he said the he realized that he also want to change .. so what I am thinking is .. the root of all the things that is happening to them is because of me! Luhan: are you serious with that cous? Jamilla: why?? Luhan! Coz I think you are the one who is over reacting! Jamilla: really? Luhan!: yes cous! Stop thinking about that! Go to sleep! I’m sure he’s fine, if he’s got beaten again by his friends then go be a nurse for him again! Jamilla: YOU! I hate you! Luhan: ahaha .. Sssshhh! I’m sleeping! Jamilla: (throw a pillow to Luhan) Sleeping! (then Jamilla receive a text message) Text message: I’m home, thank you! Luhan: is that Sehun?? Jamilla: you’re sleeping right?? Luhan: ahaha .. is that him?? Jamilla: yes! he said that he’s home! Luhan: so I bet you can go to sleep now?? Jamilla: you! Mr. Luhan! Luhan: ahaha... you are acting like he is your son! Jamilla: Shut up! Luhan: okay! goodnight mother! Jamilla: grrrr… ……………………….. The next day Jamilla: cous, we don’t have class today, you want to go out? Luhan: why you want to go somewhere?? Jamilla: mmmmm .. nothing, but are we going to stay here at home for the whole day?? Luhan: actually that was kinda boring .. Jamilla: yes! super! Luhan: oh wait! I will call D.O. (calling D.O.) Luhan: hello , D.O. D.O.: yes? Luhan: what are you doing?? D.O.: I’m just here at the house and it’s soooo boring! Luhan: ahaha .. oh my! just the same as here! D.O.: are you guys going somewhere? Let me join you guys! Luhan: Actually, that’s why we called you, we’re going to ask you if you’re going somewhere coz we’re going to come with you! D.O.: ahaha .. oh why don’t you go here in my apartment?? Luhan: Sleepover?? D.O.: yeeees! Luhan: oh that’s a great idea! Jamilla: ask him if we could go there now! Luhan: oh did you hear that?? D.O.: yes! you can go right now! Just don’t forget to bring some food! Luhan: okay! we’re going to fix our thing right now! Bye! ………………. (they are now outside of D.O.’s apartment) Luhan: (on the phone) hello D.O., we’re now here at the front of your apartment, at what floor are you?? D.O.: at the rooftop! Luhan: rooftop? Oh that was great! Okay bye! (Jamilla and Luhan go upstairs) Luhan: D.O. we’re here! Jamilla: wow! This place is great! D.O.: welcome to my nest! Jamilla: D.O. I really love this place! It so cool! D.O.: did you guys bring foods?? Luhan: we brought … barbecue! D.O.: wow! Jamilla: go, prepare the grill! (it’s already dinner and they was about to eat .. when they hear some guys laughing) Jamilla: oh my! Who’s that they are so loud! Luhan: what kind of neighbor is that? D.O.:oh guys, didn’t I tell you before that Xiumin is my neighbor?? Jamilla & Luhan: WHAAAT?? D.O.: yes! he’s living next to this apartment! Oh wait! (D.O. go outside, he’s hitting the door of Xiumin’s apartment) D.O.: (keep on hitting the door) hey! Hey! Xiumin: (open the door) hey! What! (angry) D.O.: you guys are so loud! Baekhyun: Xiumin is that D.O. again?? D.O.: yes it’s me! And you are so loud again! Sehun: Xiumin what is that?? Jamilla: Sehun?? Sehun: oh! TO BE CONTINUED >>>> » Part 10 of XOXO HIGH« D.O.:oh guys, didn’t I tell you before that Xiumin is my neighbor?? Jamilla & Luhan: WHAAAT?? D.O.: yes! he’s living next to this apartment! Oh wait! (D.O. go outside, he’s hitting the door of Xiumin’s apartment) D.O.: (keep on hitting the door) hey! Hey! Xiumin: (open the door) hey! What! (angry) D.O.: you guys are so loud! Baekhyun: Xiumin is that D.O. again?? D.O.: yes it’s me! And you are so loud again! Sehun: Xiumin what is that?? Jamilla: Sehun?? Sehun: oh! Jamilla: are you guys now okay? Sehun: ah .. ah.. yes! We’re okay now! I told you not to worry coz we’re going to be okay! Xiumin: oh is that barbecue?? (trying to change the topic) D.O.: yes why?? Jamilla: you guys want some?? Baekhyun: are you going to gave us?? Jamilla: sure! (Luhan get the barbecue) Luhan: here! Sehun: ahh ... thank you! Jamilla: (smile) oh how is your lips?? Sehun: it’s okay now Baekhyun: here! You want some beer?? Jamilla: beer? You guys drinking? Luhan: oh my that’s not allowed! Baekhyun: yes! It’s not allowed .. in school! Xiumin: and yes! This is my house so .. it is allowed! Sehun: aaahh .. you want to join us?? D.O.: oh really?? (excited) Luhan: is it okay with you? (to Xiumin) Xiumin: of course!(smiling) Luhan: cous?? Jamilla: okay! (they are now eating and drinking together) Baekhyun: Jamilla Jamilla: yes? Baekhyun: can i ask something? Jamilla: okay what is that? Baekhyun: Suho? Jamilla: (shocked) Suho?? Baekhyun: how is Suho? I mean did he really stop on courting you? Jamilla: how did you know about that? Xiumin: D.O. told us! (Jamilla and Luhan looked at D.O., D.O. acting that he didn’t hear anything) Jamilla: YOU! (to D.O.) Luhan: oh my gosh D.O. even to them, you’re spreading news! D.O.: it’s so boring here specially when you are living alone, so sometimes i talked to them. Xiumin: no! Not sometime actually most of the time! D.O.: Sssshhhh! Jamilla: grrr .. (to D.O.) Sehun: sorry for that Jamilla, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about that Jamilla: no, it’s okay! Yes, Suho try to court me before but something happened Xiumin: so it’s true that Suho already have his fiancé? Luhan: oh D.O.! it’s seems like you already told them all the details! D.O.: actually .. yes! (avoiding to have an eye contact with Jamilla) Jamilla: ah seriously D.O.! okay it seems like you already know what really happened, yes it’s all true Xiumin: woh? (to D.O.) i thought you are just making stories when you are telling us that! D.O.: i told you! Jamilla: hey D.O.! D.O.: hehehe .. Baekhyun: so how is he? (Suho) Jamilla: actually we didn’t hear anything from them! Baekhyun; aaah! Okay! Luhan: but wait guys! Are you really now okay?? Jamilla: yes as i can see it seems like you didn’t have any conflict before Sehun: uhmmm.. actually i want to say something .. D.O.: oh my Sehun! Are you really going to tell? Luhan: huhh? Jamilla: what is that D.O.?? Sehun: what happened to the park it is .. Xiumin: oh Sehun! Are you really going to tell them?? Sehun: it’s all planned! Luhan and Jamilla: WHAAAT?? D.O.: ahhhh! I’m dead! Sehun: i’m so sorry it’s just tha... Xiumin: Sehun! I will explain it for you (Jamilla, she don’t know how she’s going to react, if she will get mad or what) Xiumin: we did that because he likes you! Sehun: hey! Xiumin! Luhan: aaahhhH! My god! Jamilla: huhh? (blushing) Sehun: sorry Jamilla, but yes that is true(shy) we did that to get your attention, i’m sorry! Luhan: all of that is just a show? Sehun; we’re sorry if we did that! Luhan: and D.O. knows about this?? Xiumin: yes! Actually all of that is his idea! Luhan: what?? (Jamilla is not reacting) Luhan: oh my.. just to get my cousin’s attention, it’s okay with you to get punched?? Baekhyun: see! That’s how sincere our Sehun! Luhan: wow! (Jamilla stood up) Sehun: oh Jamilla! Luhan: cous! Sehun: i am really sorry! (Jamilla get her bag and leave) Xiumin: oh! Luhan: cous! D.O.: wait! Sehun: Jamilla! (they all run after Jamilla) Sehun: Stop guys! Let me okay?? ............................. (Jamilla kept on walking, and Sehun keep on following her) Sehun: Jamilla, Stop! I can explain! Jamilla: no! Sehun: wait stop! Jamilla: NO! Sehun: Jamilla! PLEASE! (when Jamilla heard that, she automatically stop) Sehun: oh thank god you stopped! Look i’m really sorry for that! I will explain it to you .. i told D.O. that it was not a good idea, but he said it’s okay! I also told them that you might get hurt or get mad if we did that but again D.O. said that you’re not! Jamilla: AAAHHH! (scream) that D.O.! Sehun: i’m really sorry! It’s okay if you will get mad at me now! Jamilla: no! I’m not mad! It’s just that .. (crying) Sehun: oh stop crying! Jamilla: it’s just that, i feel that i was so stupid that i didn’t realized or even noticed that! (still crying) Sehun: ahahaha .. (Sehun hugged Jamilla) stop crying D.O.: aaaah! What is that? (Luhan, D.O., Xiumin and Baekhyun came) Xiumin: wooohooo! Sehun! (Sehun and Jamilla surprised, Jamilla pushed Sehun) Baekhyun: ahaha! What is that? Are you guys hmmmmm .... (Jamilla and Sehun feeling awkward) Jamilla: You D.O.!! (hitting D.O. with her bag) all of this was your idea!! D.O.: i’m sorry! Aaahhh! Ahaha .. Jamilla: i hate it! You can say it to me in a normal way why you guys have so much drama!! (to Sehun) you! It’s really okay to do that in your face? And you (to Xiumin and Baekhyun) is it fun running after that security? Oh don’t tell me that security also know about this?? Baekhyun: ahaha .. of course not! Xiumin: but it’s really fun running away from the security Luhan: you guys really craszy! And you D.O. you must tell me this! So that i can also help! Jamilla: COUS! .. aaahhh! I hate you all! (they all laugh at Jamilla) Sehun: again i’m sorry! Jamilla: maybe you get my I.D. intentionally!! Sehun: actually that’s where it all start Jamilla: see! Sehun: no! Listen! I was about to give your I.D. to D.O. but.. D.O.: but i saw at Sehun’s face that he had feelings for you so .. Xiumin: and that’s it! He told us that idea! Jamilla: you D.O.! you’re too much! I hate all of you! It’s you all against me! Luhan: oh cous! Don’t include me! I’m not! Jamilla: but you also want too! (Jamilla startb walking) Luhan: hey cous! Where are you going! Jamilla: at the apartment! I want to eat my barbecue! (acting that she is mad) (they all laugh) Xiumin: (hold Sehun’s shoulder) she looks okay! (smile) D.O.: i told you! My idea was great! (they are now walking back to the apartment) Luhan: i really hate you D.O.! you didn’t make me as an accomplish! Baekhyun: nice one Sehun! ................. (they are now eating barbecue) Xiumin: Jamilla are you okay now?? Jamilla: (still acting that she is mad) hmmmp. Don’t talk to me! Baekhyun: it seems like we are all friends now! Luhan: at first we all met in a bad way, but now look at us! Xiumin: i think it was a good idea if we go out .. on a beach! D.O.: wow! That’s awesome! I’m excited! Xiumin: what do you think Sehun?? Sehun: yes that would be exciting! Xiumin: you Jamilla?? Jamilla: i’m not going to join! Luhan: ahaha oh c’mon cous! Jamilla: hmmmpf! (they all laughing at Jamilla) ........................ THE OUTING DAY! In front of D.O. and Xiumin’s apartment (Xiumin, Baekhyun, Sehun, and D.O. fixing their things at the back of baekhyun’s van) Xiumin: are you sure guys that all that we need is already here? Baekhyun: yes! I think! Sehun: D.O. where is Luhan and Jamilla?? D.O.: i don’t know why they are not here! Luhan; we’re here! Baekhyun: faster guys! Xiumin: oh Jamilla, i thought you’re not coming! Sehun: hey! Stop bullying her! You’re being a bully again! Luhan: oh Baekhyun, you didn’t tell us that you have a van! Baekhyun: no, it’s not mine! I just borrow it from my brother! Luhan: ah! Xiumin: i think we’re all ready! So .. let’s go! D.O. and Luhan: LET’S GO! ................. (they are now at the beach) Luhan: wow! D.O.: Let’s go Luhan! Xiumin: hey let’s fix our things first! Jamilla: that two is always like that! Baekhyun: hey! Wait for me!( going to Luhan and D.O.) Sehun: hey Baekhyun! (Jamilla was about to walk) Sehun: where are you going? Jamilla; i will go to the rest room Xiumin: oh are you going to wear your bathing suit now? Jamilla: ha .. ha .. bathing suit your face! ............... Xiumin: guys c’mon! Let’s eat first! (they are now eating) Luhan: wow it’s delicious! Xiumin you really cook well! Xiumin: thank you! I was living independent for almost 4 years so i really learned a lot being away from my mom! D.O.: woooow! That’s impressive! Luhan: noy like D.O.! he’s always depending on a delivery! Haha! Sehun: oh wait guys, where is the beer? We forget it on the car?? Xiumin: oh i think! Sehun: okay i will get it! (Sehun is now getting the beer at the back of the van, whrn suddenly a car stopped at the back of Sehun, big guys get down from the car and get Sehun! Sehun: GUYS!! HELP! Xiumin: (run) Sehun! Luhan: oh my god! (they are all running to help Sehun) Jamilla: Sehun! (Sehun has been kidnapped) Xiumin: Baekhyun what we’re going to do! Jamilla: did you guys fight with somebody else? Who do you think will do this? Baekhyun: i don’t have any idea! Xiumin: me too! This is the first time that this happen! Luhan; oh my gos this is insane! D.O.: aaaahh! What we’re going to do now! (Jamilla’s phone ringing) Jamilla: (she put the phone loud speaker) hello! Guy on the phone: if you want to see Sehun, you must go here! Jamilla only you! Don’t try to come here with somebody else! Or else Sehun would be over! I will text you the exact address! Again, don’t you dare come here with somebody! (call ended) Jamilla: hello? Hello?? Oh my god! Who is that? And he knows me! (text message) Jamilla: he already text the address, what we’re going to do?? .................... (Jamilla went to the said address) it was an old house .. Jamilla: Sehun! Sehun! (entering the house) (she saw Sehun tied on a chair) Jamilla: (she run to Sehun) oh my god Sehun who did this to you? (Sehun is full of blood, he got beaten) c’mon speak up! (somebody from the dark speak) ME! TO BE CONTINUED >>>>> ©: Jham Panganiban Sto Domingo ~XiUMiNNiE
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:37:50 +0000

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