YAHWEH DAILY BREAD/WORD-TRUE SCRIPTURES PRAISE YAHWEH FOR YAHSHUA ON THIS SABBATH-DAY!!! AMEN IN YAHSHUA MIGHTY NAME...YAHWEH BLESS!!! SEPTEMBER 27TH, 2014 ~ (5776 YEARS SINCE YAHWEH ALLOWED YAHSHUA DEATH & RISE AFTER YAHWEH THIRD-DAY-JUST BEFORE SUNRISE (6 AM) 1ST DAY OF YAHWEH WEEK (SUNDAY), AFTER YAHWEH SABBATH-DAY BEARING REST 7TH & LAST DAY OF YAHWEH WEEK, SUN-DOWN SATURDAY) FOR ANY OF YOU WANTING YAHWEH TORAH, TRUE SCRIPTURES WITH YAHWEH & YAHSHUA NAME NOT TAKEN OUT...HERES THE LINK!!! eliyah/thescriptures/ Word of Yahweh for Yahwehs Hebrew Year 5776 (6th Month-September 25, 2014 - 6th Month-September 13th, 2015) What is Yahwehs meaning behind 5776? This day is designated by Yahweh’s word as an appointed time (Moon keeps Yahwehs appointments of earths months). It begins on the First day of seventh Hebraic month (October) according to WAYYIQRA Leviticus 23:23-25. As most people understand the beginning of the year to be (10th Month-January 1st that date is based upon the Gregorian calendar (New Years eve is March 31st), however according to Yahweh’s word the New Year or the Head of the year begins on the first date of Tishri (April) based on the Hebrew calendar. For those of you who are interested researching this, here is a link that might be helpful to you: https://bible.org/seriespage/lord%E2%80%99s-appointed-times-Leviticus-23 Tuning in to Higher Frequencies (YAHWEHS VOICE, could be a billboard, someone talking, books & magazines, radio, t.v. sign on the highway...etc.) Yahweh showed me numerous people turning on their TVs and (immediately) watching one atrocious (horrifying & shocking: death) report after another on the news. What they were hearing was alarming and caused an abundance of fear, doubt and unbelief. Their thoughts were consumed with the voices of the media speaking about plagues, wars and (immediately) rumors of wars. I then heard Yahweh Promise; Yahwehs good news (LIFE FOREVER) shall be broadcast (message that is transmitted by radio & television, that is written & spoken & signaled;) in the land (ON EARTH), and Yahwehs salvation (spiritual rebirth, atonement, the realization that Life, Truth, and Love are supreme and that they can destroy such illusions as sin, death, etc) shall be proclaimed among the nations (Peoples). Yahweh is calling Yahwehs peoples to tune in to Yahwehs good news (LIFE FOREVER), and watch what Yahweh is about to do in the land of the living (RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW). Yahweh Promises Through His Only Brought-Forth Son, Our Ishi & Shaman Yahshua...Yahweh Messiah, as you learn to tune in to Yahwehs voice and block out the clamor and the pandemonium (wild confusion; uproar and chaos, the abode of all the demons...on earth) that is happening around you, you will begin to become sensitized (To make sensitive:) to the frequencies (The number of times a specified periodic phenomenon occurs within a specified interval, as: Yahweh) of heaven. Yahwehs voice will release Shalom/peace into your heart and mind. Yahwehs voice will bring victory into your situation (your environment). As you learn how to tune out (To disassociate oneself from ones environment: ignore:) the distractions around you, Yahwehs voice will become more evident (CLEAR) as you go about your daily chores. As you filter out the noise and the threats of the enemy, you will begin to recognize Yahwehs voice with clarity. Yahweh will speak in the storms as well as in times of Shalom/peace. When you see the dark clouds (BAD THINGS), know that the rain (GOOD) of Yahwehs extreme esteem favour compassion & immediate power is imminent (liable to happen soon; About to occur:). The darkest clouds (WORST) will usher in the heaviest rain of Yahwehs harvest (BEST). Yahweh will teach you how to perceive (UNDERSTAND/KNOW) Yahwehs voice in dreams as well as discern (to perceive by the sight & other sense & by the intellect; see, recognize & apprehend. to distinguish mentally:) Yahwehs plans in visions. Take every thought captive (2 CORINTHIANS 10:5overthrowing reasonings and every high matter that exalts itself against the knowledge of Yahweh, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Yahshua Messiah...Yahwehs Truth) so that you will not be consumed with thoughts of discouragement (the feeling of despair in the face of obstacles). Ignore the thoughts of confusion and the accusations that the enemy sends to distract you. Resist the voice of the stranger that vies (To offer in competition; match.) for your attention (AWAY FROM YAHWEH & YAHSHUAS TRUTH). As you seek Yahweh for clarification (To clear of confusion & uncertainty:), you will understand the ways in which Yahweh speaks. Yahweh will speak in hidden things as well as the obvious. Yahweh will lead you in times of turmoil, and (immediately) direct you in seasons (times) of uncertainty (doubt.). Learn how to be sensitive (Responsive to external conditions & stimulation, from Yahweh) to Yahweh through Yahwehs word (Yahshua) and learn how to hear Yahweh in your quiet times. Learn how to recognize Yahwehs still, small voice by coming into a deeper place (Bowing Down in prayer in Yahshuas Mighty Name) with Yahweh. As you seek Yahweh in prayer and (immediate) intercession (Entreaty by Yahshua in favor of YOU, especially a prayer & petition to Yahweh on behalf of YOU:) you will become familiar with the many ways that Yahweh speaks. In this place (ON EARTH) Yahweh will reveal the secrets of Yahwehs Name to you. Yahweh will speak to those who Yahweh can trust with Yahwehs hidden manna ((Hebrew), manna, Yahwehs supernatural food eaten by the Yisra’elites in the desert: of spiritual food, Yahshua...Yahwehs WORD). Yahweh will reveal to them (you) the hidden treasures. They are those who hunger to know Yahweh more. Learn how to press in (to force Yahwehs truth into your heart & mind, concentrate) through all the commotion and as you seek Yahweh diligently (WITH ALL YOUR HEART), your mind will become renewed to Yahwehs ways. Yahwehs voice will come (Bowing Down in prayer calling on Yahweh by Name, in Yahshuas Mighty Name) through Yahwehs word (Yahshua) and (immediate) intimacy (close & warm friendship & understanding; personal relationship). Just as the bride knows the voice of her groom, you will also learn to recognize Yahwehs voice through this intimate relationship with Yahweh. As you tune in to Yahwehs higher frequencies you will rise to higher heights than you have ever imagined Promises Yahweh Through His Only Brought-Forth Son, Our Ishi & Shaman Yahshua...Yahweh Messiah!!! (TEHILLIM PSALMS 32:7-11) 7Yahweh is my hiding place; Yahweh preserve me from distress; Yahweh surround me with songs of deliverance (Life Forever). Selah (Pause & Meditate).8“Let Yahweh instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; Let Yahweh counsel, Yahwehs eye (MIND) be on you. 9Do not be like the horse, like the mule, With no understanding, with bit and bridle (LIKE A DUMB ANIMAL, LED ASTRAY BY MANS LIES), Else they do not come near you (YAHWEHS TRUTH).”10Many are the sorrows of the wrong; But as for the one trusting in Yahweh, Kindness surrounds him.11Be glad in Yahweh and exult, you righteous; And shout for joy, all you upright in heart! (YESHAYAHU ISAIAH 30:20-22) 20Though Yahweh gave you bread of adversity and water of affliction, your Teacher (YAHWEH, CANT SEE HIM) shall no longer be hidden. But your eyes shall see your Teacher, (YAHSHUA IN THE FLESH)21and your ears hear a word behind you (YAHWEH SPEAKING OUT-LOUD or in your mind), saying, “This is the Way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right, or whenever you turn to the left (Yahweh wont let you go astray). 22And you shall defile (DESTROY IN YOUR MIND) the covering of your graven (THAT WILL/HAS LED MANY TO DEATH) images of silver, and the plating of your moulded images of gold (PICTURES, CROSSES, STATUES, ETC...) You shall throw them away as a menstrual cloth and say to them, “Be gone!” (YOHANAN JOHN 10:1-18) “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter through Yahwehs door (Yahshua) into the sheepfold (sheep means hair of wool, curly, nappy Hebrew/Negro), but climbs up by another way, that one is a thief and a robber. 2“But he who enters through Yahwehs door is the shepherd of the sheep (Yahshua). 3“The doorkeeper (Yahweh) opens for him, and the sheep hear Yahshuas voice. And Yahshua calls his own sheep (US) by name and leads them out. 4“And when Yahshua has brought out his own sheep, Yahshua goes before them. And the sheep (US) follow Yahshua, because they (WE) know Yahshuas voice. 5“And they shall by no means follow a stranger (MOST OF YOU DO...jesus IS A STRANGER WHO ISNT REAL...IMPOSTOR), but shall flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.”6Yahushua used this figure of speech, but they did not know what He had been saying to them.7Yahushua therefore said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. 8“All who came before Me (Obviously referring to the post-exilic (SEE AT VERY BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE) religious (Superstitious) leaders who had supplanted and ousted the Lewitical priesthood (Of Yahweh), and who were lawless, and lovers of money. That is why Yahshua spoke of thieves, robbers, hirelings in this passage.) are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.9“I am the door. Whoever enters through Me, he shall be saved (From Death), and shall go in and shall go out and find pasture (a field covered with grass & herbage). 10“The thief does not come except to steal, and to slaughter, and to destroy. I Yahshua have come that they might possess life (Forever), and that they might possess it beyond measure(NEVER DIE).11“I Yahshua am Yahwehs good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for Yahwehs sheep (Negro/Black/Hebrew Peoples).12“But the hireling (One who works solely for compensation, especially a person willing to perform for a fee tasks considered menial & offensive.), and not being a shepherd, one who does not own the sheep (Slave Masters/white people today...especially police), sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees. And the wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them.13“Now the hireling flees because he is a hireling and is not concerned about the sheep (NO, THEY DONT LOVE US). 14“I am the good shepherd (Yahshua). And I know Mine, and Mine know Me,15even as the Father Yahweh knows Me, and I Yahshua know the Father. And I lay down My life for the sheep (Yahshua died for us to live forever).16“And other sheep (OTHER RACES) I have which are not of this fold (Flock...Negros)– I have to bring them as well, and they shall hear Yahshuas voice, and there shall be one flock (ALL TOGETHER), one shepherd (YAHSHUA).17“Because of this the Father YAHWEH loves Me, because I lay down My life (WAS WILLING TOO DIE), in order to receive it again (Yahweh Raised Yahshua from the dead).18“No one takes it from Me (NO KILLED YAHSHUA), but I lay it down of Myself YAHSHUA VOLUNTEERED TO DIE). I YAHSHUA have authority FROM YAHWEH to lay it down (HIS LIFE), and I YAHSHUA have authority to receive it again (LIVE FOREVER). This command I YAHSHUA have received (OBEYED) from My Father YAHWEH.” (1 YOHANAN 1 JOHN 2:20) 20And you have an anointing from the Set-apart One (YAHWEH), and you know all.21I did not write to you because you do not know Yahwehs truth, but because you know it, and because no falsehood (LIES) is of Yahwehs truth. 22Who is the liar, except the one denying that Yahshua is Yahwehs Messiah? This is the anti-messiah (heileil/satan/devil), the one denying the Father Yahweh and Yahwehs Son Yahshua. 23No one denying the Son Yahshua has the Father Yahweh. The one confessing the Son Yahshua (A HEBREW/NEGRO) is Yahwehs Messiah has the Father Yahweh as well. (TEHILLIM PSALMS 133:3) 3Like the dew of Hermon, That comes down on the mountains (peoples) of Tsiyon(earth). For there Yahweh commanded the blessing (Obedience is stressed...VERY IMPORTANT), Life forever! (TEHILLIM PSALMS 22:26) 26The meek ones do eat and are satisfied; Let those who seek Yahweh praise Yahweh. Let your heart live forever (Cant mean after death)! (YOHANAN JOHN 8:51) 51“Truly, truly, I Yahshua promise/say to you, if anyone guards Yahweh Word he/she/we shall never see death at all (PERIOD).” (YOHANAN JOHN 8:31-32) 31So Yahshua said to those Yehudim who believed Yahshua, “If you stay in My Word, you are truly My taught ones,32and you shall know Yahweh truth, and Yahweh truth shall make you free (FROM DEATH).” (ACTS 7:6-7) 6“And Yahweh spoke in this way (just like this, in such a way): that his seed would be sojourning (suppose to stay for awhile) in a foreign land (America), and that they (Hebrew/Brown/Black/Negro-Peoples) would be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years (THIS IS CLEAR ONLY HERE IN AMERICA IS THIS FACT OF HISTORY TAKEN PLACE).7‘And the nation (European/White America) to whom they (WHO ARE CALLED NIGGERS) shall be enslaved, I Yahweh shall judge (RIGHTEOUSLY RULE),’ promises Yahweh, ‘and after that they shall come out (to end & terminate mental/physical slavery; emerge to publicly serve & confess Yahweh as gods real Name & Yahshua, NOT jesus as Our Messiah) in this place (America).’ *~CAN YOU SEE WHAT YAHWEH IS SAYING (IS PROMISING), CAN YOU HEAR WHAT YAHWEH HAS WRITTEN (ALREADY PROMISED)~* ~ *HALLELUYAHWEH* ~ exilic-\eg-ZIL-ik, ek-SIL-\ adjective 1. pertaining to exile, especially that of the Hebrews in Mitsrayim (Egypt-Bondage)
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 20:31:58 +0000

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