YOU ARE EXCELLENCE Are YOU feeling frustrated and irritable right - TopicsExpress


YOU ARE EXCELLENCE Are YOU feeling frustrated and irritable right now? Are YOU wondering why you are not happy right where you are? Have you ever considered that just maybe, YOU are in the wrong position or doing the wrong thing? YOU were created with talents that are ONLY YOU, but because Momma or Poppa wanted you to become a Teacher, Doctor, Sales Person, Lecturer, Pastor or whatever you are DOING right now, you studied and put EFFORT into learning something that did not come naturally. THAT is NOT YOUR PASSION and even though you are good at what you DO, it gives you no satisfaction or pleasure. It’s a drudgery just waking up every morning. Our problem is that we want our kids to do what we always wanted to do, so we push then to live OUR dreams and because they don’t want to disappoint us, they DO what we want and in the process become dissatisfied with their lives because they cannot please Momma or Poppa. Then the cycle begins. Start, stop, disgruntled, leave. Start, stop, disgruntled, leave. They can’t even make it in relationships because (subconsciously) they are still trying so hard to please Momma and Poppa. Take one day this weekend and just sit quietly and consider what it is that gives YOU the most pleasure, that something that YOU were so good at when YOU were little. The thing that brought so much pleasure, that YOU EXCELLED AT, that thing that YOU couldn’t wait to get up every morning to BE involved in, even if it is “just baking” or “just fiddling under the hood of a vehicle” or “just painting” If that is YOUR passion, then YOU had better believe that YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN EQUIPPED with ALL the skills pertaining to THAT passion, and that EVERYTHING NEEDED to start you in that venture, is just waiting to BE supplied to YOU by the Universe/God who works ALL things together for YOUR good. YOU ARE THE BEST AT BEING that Talent or Light. You are presently a square peg in a round hole and are not the happiest chappie right now. Consider this: When The Master arrives or is revealed in YOU, will He find an increase in that talent that He entrusted YOU with? Or will YOU have dug a hole (of forgetfulness) and buried it just to please others? The thing you EXCEL in --- IS WHO YOU ARE. Stop DOING and start BE-IN-G(od) who YOU were born to BE – EXCELLENCE! Loveya stacks
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 08:09:04 +0000

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