YOU ARE THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEMS THAT GRAVITATE TO YOU Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You must have the mentality that whatever problems or challenges have gravitated towards you, you have the answers to them. We are being told that Christians are the salt of the earth. Notice that our spiritual DNA already contains everything necessary for us to function as the salt of the earth. We are a special salt that is designed never to lose its saltiness. However, if you do not know this you can lose your saltiness and be trampled by men/women in this world. This means if a Christian loses his saltiness, he has set himself up for defeat and being a nobody in his/her life. When you become a Christian, you become a somebody and start a journey that God designed to be filled with joy. What does it mean to be the salt of the earth? Firstly, salt is an essential component of the human diet and it is found in blood, sweat and tears. Without salt, the human body cannot live. The world needs Christians, without us it is headed for a gloomy future. We are the key component needed for the prosperity of this world. In your place of employment, you are there to give the wisdom needed for the prosperity of that company. You are the salt of that company regardless of your position or educational background. The Holy Spirit working in you makes you able to function as such. Naaman the Syrian army commander was given the solution to his leprosy by his house helper; she was in fact a captured prisoner of war (2Kings 5:1-27). Secondly salt has a unique cubic crystalline structure. It has definite shape/structure. As Christians in this world we need to realise that God had unique plans for all of us individually before we were even conceived in our mothers’ wombs (Jeremiah 1:5). The world might be confused and not know what to do, but this should not be your portion at all. As the salt in this earth you belong to a special group of people that are designed never to live a directionless, shapeless life that is going nowhere slowly but surely. Thirdly, salt is clear when pure, although it may also appear white, grey or brownish, depending upon purity. To become pure, salt must go through a purification process. As the salt of this earth, Christians have the capacity to be refined and live transformed pure lives. This refinement is done through the renewal of our minds by the revelation knowledge contained in God’s Word (Romans 12:2). In the pure state Christians are able to maximally affect this world and live lives that are free of condemnation and sin. The anointing of the Holy Spirit will increase and give the Christian greater effectiveness as he/she meditates on the Word of God. Finally, when salt is added to meat being cooked in a pot; it does not ask for permission to flavour the meat. Whether the meat likes it or not, salt will flavour the meat. You are the salt of the earth and carry an atmosphere that will positively affect people in this world. Is your atmosphere influencing anyone to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour? If not, it is only a matter of time before you lose your saltiness, and be trampled under the feet of unreasonable men and women in this world. Please make sure that you go to church this and every other Sunday and mobilise many other new people to go with you as well. Make every effort to follow up others, who might have stopped going to church, it is your duty among others to do so as the salt of the earth.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 07:08:15 +0000

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