@@@¥ YOU CAN NEVER MOVE FORWARD BY LOOKING BACKWARD! ¥@@@ Many atimes we seem to be more prepared to fight our past than our present. This results to a life of regrets, depression, discouragement, stagnation and failures. You can not change your past. You can only learn from it and move forward. You can never move forward by looking backward. The Apostle Paul said,"...forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead" Philippians 3:13. Regreting over your past can never correct the future rather it will destroy the future. The best way to handle the past is to treat it as the past; it is gone, and nothing you can do about it. But you still have a whole bright future ahead of you. What you do today can either secure your future or destroy it. When you are dwelling and regreting your past, you are wasting your future. You need to focuse all your energies, time and thoughts on your today. It is how you handle the present that will yield what the future holds for you. Hence to have a glorious future, you must invest and manage your today wisely. I want you to realize that your past cannot determine your future. It is your present (today) that determines your future. You are where you are today by what happened in your past. And where you will be tomorrow will be the result of what happens today. So, how do you want your future to be? The answer lies in the way you are living today!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 19:07:00 +0000

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