YOU COULD BE YOUR OWN ENEMY. I watched a Korean movie - TopicsExpress


YOU COULD BE YOUR OWN ENEMY. I watched a Korean movie yesterday. It was a movie of about how Korea started out, there were three major persons in that movie, Lord Yushin, Queen DEOKMAN and BIDAM, whose story is actually all over the place. Just watching the movie, you could tell how Bidam grew up from being abandoned by his parents into a very great fighter and he became the Queens man, he had always loved her way before she even became Queen and despite his advances towards her, she did not give in and was just focused on taking the land from the tyrant Mishil and her supporters which she did and did so well. OKay, Later the Queen agreed to marry Bidam and she was even ready to put down the crown for him, just to be with him, his supporters started devising an evil plot for him to become king since they could not stand a female king. And they lied to the king that Bidam wanted the throne for himself, BUT the Queen NEVER believed the perpetrators, she believed BIDAM, so she called BIdam to herself, gave him a ring (wedding band) and told him to leave the city for awhile, until all the raucous died down. First of, he was not listening with his heart but his head and thought the Queen was trying to get rid of him, he was easily swayed by all the people around him, he listened to everything they said, all they said had too much meaning for him.But in the long run, the man who killed his master MUNNO, who he did not kill, planned his death. Because of his distrust for the QUEEN who was on his side, AT THE LAST MINUTE, he planned a coup to dethrone the QUEEN, only because he felt it was the throne that was taking the QUEEN away from him. HE did not succeed in the coup, and he died at the feet of the QUEEN. That movie was a pretty long one, but it was a touching true life story. That same man (the one who killed his boss) told him, the queen trusted you to the end, but you could not even trust her despite the love you claimed to have for her and another told him NO one would have been able to defeat YOU, it was you who defeated yourself. Some people live their lives this way, not trusting anyone, even themselves. Your soul would never deceive you, even when he saw the QUeens letter of love and the fact that she was going to leave the throne for him, he laughed out loud and said it was all a sham, that he was being tricked. Anyways, he was the downfall of himself. Sometimes you just have to get rid of that thing that could hold you down and destroy your life, get rid of those friends, that habit you seriously do not like, if you dont, they will end up ruining ones life. If Bidam had gotten rid of that person that killed his boss/master, he would have lived to fulfill his heart desires. He did not want the throne, though he nursed some petty feelings towards it all he wanted was her. -Even if you will not trust anybody, at least trust yourself and listen to your inner prompting and not what you see around you. All you see could be just pretense and lies presenting itself to you in a disguise. The QUEEN was a very great queen because she trusted herself, she trusted her soul urging and all she laid her hands upon she succeeded. - Wait and be patient. Never take irrational steps without thinking it through. It is the worst thing you can do for yourself. There is no one who has thought things over and over who have made any mistake in their lives, only those who hears and immediately leaps have fallen. Also, always be patient enough to see your wishes and heart desires come to past. Sometimes, the road that is laid before you might just be that road that will lead to success, never allow the the urge to take a shortcut to destroy your lives. It is well with us all. Love and light always. have a great day.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:37:11 +0000

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