YOU DO THE MATH! BROTHER MALCOLM X STATED WE NEED HUMAN RIGHTS. In As stated in the landmark case DRED SCOTT we CAN NOT BR CITIZENS OF THIS WONDERFUL DEMOCRACY. According to the “BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY” 5th Edition… DRED SCOTT case law of 1857, states, we are not U.S. citizen and nor will we ever be. This has NEVER been repealed and thus stands as law today. Therefore, based on this U.S. Supreme Court decision by Judge Taney, we will remain without rights or privileges, except, such and, those, which the so-called government might grant. One of these said privileges is ‘Voting’. This is the reason why every 25 years “Negro, Black and Colored” Voting Right (Privilege) Act (Bill) has to be signed by the President of the U.S. corporation. Lyndon B. Johnson did so in 1965. Ronald W. Reagan did so in 1982 and George H. W. Bush Jr. did so in 2006. Whenever you hear the term “the Laws of the United States”, it is referring to the Treaty or Treaties (Treaties of Peace and Friendship) entered into prior to the establishment of the original “United States of America” or “Union States” (Corporations) and the American Constitution of 1791. It is NOT talking about the Municipal Corporation styled as the UNITED STATES inclusive of the acronyms U.S. and U.S.A. (1871). We need to be “In-Full-Life”. According to “BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY” 4th Edition… …Continuing in both physical and civil exist. What does ‘physical’ mean? MALCOLM X SPEAKS ON CIVIL RIGHTS vs. HUMAN RIGHTS “…Human Rights come before Civil Rights…You can never get Civil Rights, until you have Human Rights. Human Rights represent the Right to be Human Beings. Whenever, you are respected and recognized as a Human Being, your Civil Rights are automatic… No! You have to get the recognition of Human Rights first…the Constitution … classified our people as 3/5 of a man, which meant sub-human, not a complete Human Being and once our Human characteristics were completely destroyed this gave them justification for treating us like we were animals. Then it also justified their selling us... If the Black man’s Human Rights been respected; he never could have been a slave here in America. And if, his Human Rights have been restored by the Emancipation Proclamation; automatically, we would have been citizens after the Civil War. So, we must be regarded as Humans! Our Human Rights must be respected, before, we can ever be regarded as citizens and our Civil Rights be respected!” In other words, Malcolm (El Hajj Malik El Shabazz) was stating as long as Negroes, Blacks and Coloreds physically are not recognized as “Human Beings” and have “Human Rights” then it is not possible to have “civil rights”. We are still classified as 3/5th person…Masonic code for two of our senses were taken away… 1. Sight (Seeing) and 2. Hearing; leaving 3. Touch, Taste and Smell. U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 2 (Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, and three fifths persons.) How do we, those classified as three fifths persons / “Negro, Black and Colored, via, birth certificates make ourselves in-full-life? Answer: By declaring our Nationality. “BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 4th Deluxe Edition” Nationality: That quality or character which arises from a person belonging to a nation or state. Nation: usually inhabiting a distinct portion of the Earth... i.e., land. “According to “BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 4th Deluxe Edition” Land, in the most general sense, comprehends any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever; as fields, meadows, pastures, woods, moors, waters, marshes, furzes, and heath. Land is the foundation of nationality and the name ‘Moor’ symbolizes the birthright ties or heritage. In international law, negroes, blacks and coloreds in the said United States of America are listed as stateless, i.e., landless. According to the “BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY, SEVENTH EDITION,” Natural Person is Indigenous; Native; the original or natural inhabitants of a country; Of or relating to Birth/Natural Child… According to “WEBSTER’S SEVENTH NEW COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY” defines Indi-genous – [LL indigenus, fr. L indigena, n., native, fr. OL indu, endo in, within (akin to L in and to L de down) + L gignere to beget] 1: produced, growing, or living naturally in a particular region or environment 2: INBORN, INNATE syn see NATIVE.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 02:29:58 +0000

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