YOU SHALL HAVE A MIRACLE BABY! My mother said it was a Sunday - TopicsExpress


YOU SHALL HAVE A MIRACLE BABY! My mother said it was a Sunday evening on the 7th of June in the 80s and she was very tired but decided to go for a Revival Service in her church. When she entered the service the Prophet who was invited for the program was ministering. Just when she sat down the prophet said I wish I could finish preaching but there is an URGENCY in the SPIRIT! There is a battle going on on the life of the child you are carrying because she shall be a miracle child. Then the prophet told my mother she would have a child on the Tuesday the 9th of June. My mother said she told the prophet the baby was not due and she will travel on the 9th of June to her mother so she could have the baby in few weeks. But the prophet told her to hear the WORD OF THE LORD! Stay in your room all by yourself, dont go to the hospital because the devil can use anyone to destroy your miracle stay in your room and this baby will be born. By faith my mother received this word and prayerfully stayed in her room all by herself! Lo and behold two days after this prophecy she started contracting and she gave birth to me ALONE! She said the Umbilical Cord was tired around my neck and i was lifeless when i came out! She unwrapped me and wiped my face and i cried for the first time. She said when the neighbors heard of the cry of a baby they knocked on her door but she was too tired to open up so they had to break in to see the baby. They were shocked to see her have a baby all by herself! For my mother to believe the word of a prophet and venture to have a baby ALONE Still baffles me! This woman has INSTILLED so much FAITH in me! My life has been one battle and another but right from my mothers womb I was a FIGHTER! I have been the WORST NIGHTMARE of the DEVIL! And the BEST thing that has happened to those I am ASSIGNED TO! Joan means GOD IS GRACIOUS! My life has been the ABUNDANT GRACE of God! I have survived what others bate I will never survived! On the 10th of June two years ago God blessed me with a lovely Daughter JASMINE, that has changed my life! Wonderful FRIENDS and FAMILY God has Blessed me with! My life is a TESTIMONY of what God can do! On this day of my birthday I appreciate everyone that has contributed to my life! My Prayer today is for God to BLESS those looking for the FRUIT OF THE WOMB to be FRUITFUL! God shall give you a MIRACLE BABY the devil can never ABORT! A child that will make history in JESUS NAME! I pray for your FAMILY and MARRIAGE that there will be PEACE in your Home! Happy birthday to JOAN and JASMINE! I appreciate and celebrate my HUSBAND for a year ago my story was different! But this year I get to CELEBRATE my birthday with my HUSBAND! GOD IS FAITHFUL!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 05:15:40 +0000

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