YOU THOUGHT OBAMA & THE LIBERALS CAN’T STOOP LOWER? WRONG!!!!! MORE LIES… MORE LIES… MORE LIES… AND MORE LIES… WHAT NOW? WHY? THE STUPIDITY OF THE AMERICAN VOTER WILL FALL FOR IT! Short of urinating on the Constitution after shredded it, there is not much more Obama could do to take this country away from the vision our Founding Fathers had for it. With his latest Executive Amnesty stunt, Obama just added millions of democratic voters, and under most scenarios, just the sheer change in demographics alone is enough to virtually assure the Democrats they will NEVER see another GOP President again. I have been warning about this for YEARS dating back even further than my post titled: BEWARE: ONE-PARTY SYSTEM COMING TO AMERICA. WANT TO KNOW WHAT THIS STUNT IS? The DNC is trying to raise money by ACTING like the GOP is going to Impeach Obama, and with ALL OUT LIES thay are telling their UNEDUCATED ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER BASE that Obama is looking at jail time. To make sure that doesn’t happen to their Emperor, the DNC is seeking donations to secure his protection from those EVIL REPUBLICANS. I find it BEYOND sickening, that this President and his party can break ANY law with IMPUNITY and get away with it. IGNORE all the CRAP you are hearing from the GOP in the media about “the whole host of options they are weighing.” They have NONE. Impeachment is the only way they are going to get him out of office IF… IF… IF… they can muster up a 2/3 vote to convict in the Senate, which is about as likely as me flapping my arms and reaching Mars. THERE IS NO TALK OF IMPEACHING OBAMA! LIBERALS ARE ONCE AGAIN ARE TELLING BOLD FACED LIES! WHY? THE STUPIDITY OF THE AMERICAN VOTER WILL FALL FOR IT! THEIR LEVEL OF IGNORANCE IS ASTOUNDING. OBAMA & CO. JUST CALLED THE AMERICAN VOTERS STUPID… NOW, TO RUB IT IN YOUR FACE THEYRE DOING IT AGAIN!!! NEWSFLASH: Its official. Obama can do WHATEVER he wants and get away with it. Obama just added several million voters to his side, and he knows with the actions he and Rep. Gutierrez are taking by perverting the charter of the Department of Housing and Development, it will be a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY THE GOP WILL BE UNABLE TO TAKE THE WHITE HOUSE IN 2016, OR EVER AGAIN. So, let me ask you: We keep hearing in the media that Obama’s Executive Amnesty could set a horrible precedent that a future GOP President could turn around and use on liberals. On it’s face that sounds like a VERY legitimate point Democrats SHOULD be VERY concerned with right? Then why aren’t they? Why isn’t Obama or the Democrats the LEAST BIT worried about what a dangerous precedent Obama’s actions are setting? ANSWER: THEY ALREADY KNOW THAT BY THE TIME 2016 ROLLS AROUND, OBAMA WILL HAVE SECURED A MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY THAT THE GOP WILL BE UNABLE TO TAKE THE WHITE HOUSE IN 2016, OR EVER AGAIN. END OF STORY. THEY’RE NOT WORRIED BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO NEED TO BE! We will NEVER have another GOP President. We are a one-party presidency now. SOUND MELLOW DRAMATIC? “THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN?” Is that what I hear? In the links included I provide ALL the information you need to prove that Obama will be finished legally gerrymandering the voting districts by 2016 with his ABUSE of H.U.D. and his UNCHECKED Executive Amnesty… BEFORE you ask… YES… they vote… Ive written about the STATISTICS SEVERAL TIMES. Obama is UNSTOPPABLE except by unthinkable measures. We have already PROVEN to him we won’t stand in his way. There is NOTHING stopping him from EXERCISING MORE EXTREME MEASURES FOR THOSE THAT DO OPPOSE HIM. I’ll be honest with you. I am glad I am beginning a project in the next two weeks that is going to severely limit my ability to continue to post for a few months. I’m at wits end. Time after time, I am 100% accurate in my predictions, but the average American doesn’t do any more than headline read, and with Facebook censoring everything so much, very little of what I say is reaching the masses anymore. As fellow blogger Dave Hodges from the Common Sense show said not too long ago: “Some of my very best contacts have told me that it is time to stop warning the people, because it is now time to start hiding from the wrong people.” I’ve asked for help with people who might want to become writers. I reach WELL, WELL, WELL over 100,000 readers day. I have 70,000 followers alone, and many of the links are shared dozens of times. It’s heartbreaking how little Americans will do to help themselves. READ ON...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 03:59:07 +0000

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