YOU WERE A FLIGHT ATTENDANT IF: 1. You can eat a 4-course meal standing at the kitchen counter. 2. You are so used to standing while eating you don’t even look for a chair anymore. 3. You search for a button to flush the toilet. 4. You look for the “crew lane” at the grocery store. 5. All of your pens have different hotel names on them. 6. You NEVER unpack. 7. You can recognize pilots by the backs of their heads – not by their faces. 8. You can tell from 70 yards away if a piece of luggage will fit in the overhead bin. 9. You can tie a neck scarf 36 ways. 10. You know at least 25 uses for air sickness bags – none of which pertains to vomit. 11. You understand and actually use the 24-hour clock. 12. You own two sets of uniforms: fat and thin. 13. You don’t know what day of the week it is, whether it’s a Sunday or a Thursday. 14. You stand at the front door and politely say “Buh-bye, thanks, have a nice day” when someone leaves your home. 15. You can make a sentence using all of the following phrases: “At this time,” “For your safety,” “Feel free,” and “As a reminder” 16. You know what’s on the cover of the current issues of Hello, Ok, and People magazines. 17. You stop and inspect every fire extinguisher you pass by, just to make sure the “pressure gauge needle is in the green zone.” 18. Your forearms and hands are riddled with oven burns and galley cuts. 19. You wake up and have to look at the hotel stationery to figure out where you are. 20. You refer to cities by their airport codes. 21. Every time the door bell rings you look up at the ceiling. 22. You change into your “cabin shoes” to cook dinner at home! 23. You open your bathroom doors at home slowly in case someone forgot to lock it. 24. You only know 100, 150 or 250 degrees on your home oven. 25. You can spot out a flying airplane from the ground and tell the other person what airline it is and what type of aircraft. 26. You bring home different grocery bags full of goodies that you can’t get in your home town – and tell a story about it. 27. You’re a GREAT multi-tasker. 28. You have mastered the art of walking very quickly down the aisle and not catching anyone’s eye. 29. You’re at a friend’s party and you start wiping your hands on their curtains. 30. You try to “lock and latch” your shopping cart.. 31. Sitting in the backseat of your friends car, you check the seat pocket for garbage. 32. You locate all the exits when on public transport and learn the door operations. 33. You are standing in an elevator in your hotel and can’t remember which floor or what room number. 34. You automatically uncross your legs, sit back, and fold your arms across your lap when you hear an engine rev up, whether you’re a passenger on a flight that day or just in the car! 35. Every time someone asks a question your reply is, “Let me check…” 36. You smile and greet people you meet in the lifts. 37. You carry around a marker pen! 38. You are ready to shop when you get to your destination! 39. You have too many pictures you don’t know what pictures belong where anymore. 40. You have mastered the art of putting on makeup in the car/bus/subway. 41. You carry in your purse a stain-remover pencil at all times. 42. You apologize for everything. 43. You appreciate time at home more than anyone else. 44. You’ve developed an interest for astrology, and constantly ask “what’s your sign?” 45. You bring your big suitcase on a one-day layover to get your groceries. 46. You fly as a passenger but still offer to place other passengers’ luggage in the overhead bins, or to bring them blankets. 47. You actually understand every item on this list.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:29:47 +0000

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