YOUR ENEMY AND YOU Proverb 16:7 says ” When a mans ways please - TopicsExpress


YOUR ENEMY AND YOU Proverb 16:7 says ” When a mans ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. I have come to the fact that everybody in this world have at least one enemy or enemies but the bible says when a mans way pleases God then his enemy will be at peace with him. Why? It is because 1. God is bigger than your enemies and can easily destroy them 2. God delight in those who value Him more than their own life 3. God is never defeated so His children can not be defeated 4. Gods archangel are made for war n protection so if you are truly for God then enemies will flee from you I have used a strategy which has been working for me in this ministry since I started, when I am faced with a person whose problem seems complicated I told them to sow a seed to ministers of God n trust me it has worked 100% cos God loves a cheerful giver and dont forget in old testament anyone who takes care of levites is truly rewarded by God. 1samuel 19 when Saul ordered Jonathan, his son n soldiers to kill David, it is the enemys son, Jonathan who told David the plans of his father. Pleasing God goes beyond just going to church, it is ; 1. Be born again and baptize in water n spirit 2. Forsake life of sin and embrace righteousness plus holiness 3. Studying d word of God 4. Taking care of the people working for God 5. Regular prayer time to communicate with God 6. Periodic fasting and evangelism 7. Observing sound doctrines written in d scriptures. 8. And lastly, be alert and be watchful I am praying for you that God will make your ways pleasing unto Him in the name of Jesus
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 08:41:15 +0000

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