YOUR MARRIAGE ON THE ROCK. Text: Gen.24 Introduction As a - TopicsExpress


YOUR MARRIAGE ON THE ROCK. Text: Gen.24 Introduction As a fundamental force to the wellbeing and growth of a nation, the family must be taken more seriously than it already is and more than any other thing. Moreover a Christian home, which is a product of a Christian family, must in every way be enjoyed; and it must bring forth the glory of God. This will answer not only to prayer and fasting, but also to a conscious awakening to the full responsibility in a Christian home; particularly by the husband and the wife. This teaching is like grains. For some, it needs to be consumed or eaten now; while for others, it should be stored in the barn for a time of famine. The teaching is divided into two parts: the first part for the unmarried, and the second part for the married. It is believed that, God is going to meet every one at the very point of their need. PART 1 For Abraham and his seed, the covenant that guides marriage remains the same: Marriage with Canaanites is doom! Canaanites: These are the descendants of Canaan, the son of Ham; one of the three sons of Noah. These are the ones that carry the curse of backwardness and of being servants, because of the sin of their progenitor. Gen.9:25. Signs of the ‘Canaanite believer’: Always satisfied with a mediocre spiritual level; Never mindful to follow the instructions of Abraham – following God whole heartedly; Not ready for a spiritual journey of faith; Never ready to live a sacrificial life. Therefore, marriage between Abraham’s descendants and the Canaanites is divinely forbidden. What then are the implications? Marriage between a believer and unbeliever is prohibited Relationship between a brother/sister that is mindful of God’s covenant with somebody that violates the covenants of God is not from God. 3. Marriage between a person of vision with another person without vision MAY BE demonically arranged. Divine Direction In Relationship is Expedient (Gen.24:3): My country – We are from above; from heaven. Jhn.3:31 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven (2Co 5:2) For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: {conversation...: or, we live or conduct ourselves as citizens of heaven, or, for obtaining heaven} (Php 3:20) My Kindred – The people of my “kind”- having the same spirit and heart. If the so called brother/sister; after knowing the will of God, refuses to leave the ungodly way of the parent or land to join the family of God, a Christian brother or sister is not under any law to take such ungodly “brother or sister” to the altar. Always beware not to sacrifice God’s grace on the altar of marriage. PART 2 HARMONY IN MARRIAGE Harmony or bliss in Marriage answers not only to prayer, but also to conscious efforts of both the husband and wife. While the role of prayer in the Home cannot be over emphasized (1Cor.7:5), individual responsibility at home cannot also be substituted with prayer. Responsibilities of a man in the Home Must be proactive in praying and loving (Eph.5:25-29). Must be a thinker: somebody who meditates. Must be COMPLETELY independent. Must be on the frontier or a pacesetter in the family. Must always be proud of his wife, and defend and honor her in the presence of family members. Responsibilities of a Woman in the Home (Gen.24:14-19) Must be hardworking, responsible and ready to labour Must know how to take good care of herself in a godly manner Must preserve and make herself pure from every form of uncleanness. Must be courageous and ready to take risks. Must be very strong and detailed. Must love to grow. Must be submissive and respectful Must show interest in her husband’s job, to compliment it (except it is ungodly). LET US PRAY.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 14:59:09 +0000

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