YOUR PERSONAL INVITATION TO UNFRIEND ME: I AM so grateful to have Powerful mentors who understand The Power of Authenticity and much much more. Thank you for teaching me Kali Daniel, Raven Starre, and Kerwin Rae. You are down to earth examples of Integrity and the ability to be purposefully BLUNT for your Tribes, and my own personal and professional growth. :-) I really appreciate you, and all the gracious as yet Unnamed Teachers who have also taught me thus far, this list includes all my friends as well as my critics. If you noticed Lori A. Petrosinos post in my timeline, my mentorship with Raven Starre, is just about to HEAT UP in a big way. Understanding the wisdom of taking a Long-Term perspective: it is my intention is to share the next 12 Intensified and Optimiized months of Quantum Lessons, successes and failures with you. So stick around if you want exposure to cutting edge Quantum Physics concepts that can serve to help you with your personal and professional lives. PLEASE UNFRIEND YOURSELF NOW, if this prospect turns you off. I wont be offended. But be Warned: I certainly wont be holding anything back. I AM committed 100% to my process of transforming into A Self Made Conscious Millionaire to fulfil my own lifetime dream, and to have my Family and Friends share in the Growth and the Rewards of this Journey. If you hang around, I guess that means you want to be included in my Family, and thus, I look forward to your comments, feedback (positive and negative), and sharing the day to day reality of my an Ambitious Undertaking with my Dear and ATOMIC Mentor Raven K Starre. I confess the idea of being part of a Reality Show was something I only joked about once, in a transformational training 11 years ago. But definitely NOT something I would ever consider doing for real. Big Brother was new to to Australia at the time and we thought wouldnt it be great if someone did a Reality show instead on The Deep Personal Transformation Process!! Well, be careful what you wish for, even if it is only in jest. Someone (Raven) decided to do it, and my Soul heard. Every day it seems like a better and better idea. Especially as the Universe seems to be realigning to ensure this gets done, and I get opportunities, teachings and experiences that align me to how Cool this adventure really is. (I know somedays I will be denying this Cool Adventure idea as I go back to wanting to hide in my bedroom!!) :-) Originally, I was freaked out to to consider exposing my Not good Enough (that part which still drives me to being In-authentic so often) to anyone, let alone potentially thousands or hundreds of thousands of people. I have so much to learn and may look like a goose every now and then, and what I sincerely wish you to understand and feel is my Intention. That my reason to risk embarrassment, ridicule and public failure is that I am doing this to serve others too, and to be the best Mum I can possibly be for my two shining lights. For those of you who know me from a training room, you KNOW Im the overly keen one, desperate to learn, always the first to volunteer, the one scrambling to get up on stage to demonstrate. I know it drives some of you completely NUTS!!!! Well it looks like Im doing it again!!! I do this from the place of my PURPOSE: To Find my Voice, and Use my Words, to Inspire Great Crowds of People to Love Themselves, Love Each Other and Love the Planet. Thank you Raven for giving me an opportunity to get out of my own head, and serve. Watch this video for more on authenticity. https://youtube/watch?v=d4iFAAUscVA
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:28:23 +0000

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