Yall pay close attn: Yesterday I posted a pic. Of a brown recluse. - TopicsExpress


Yall pay close attn: Yesterday I posted a pic. Of a brown recluse. Ironically, my roomate came home from work yesterday with the nastiest looking purple and red bite that appeared to be eating away at his extremely swollen foot. U know men they dont go to the hospital until they are convinced they are dieing. Upon arrival at e.r. They had seen this before, took him right back and shot him with antivenom lanced the nastiness open and drew out fluid, gave him i.v. Antibiotics, some pain meds. And told us with swelling normally ice BUT not in this case. In this case hot or warm compresses draw out the toxins in this case cold compresses ARENT the answer. So needless to say, the poor guy has been thru thru the ringer has to go right back under the same house on Monday. I could not do it . No way no how! I have never seen anything like it in my life! So it was pretty ironic that Id posted that and he comes home looking like a monster tried to eat his foot off! These things are no joke. We were told he could even have upper respotory complications to even heart problems. Be careful! They like the dark and cool places. Under houses garages attics and the Dr. Did also say every bite may appear a little different. It made him sock to his stomach the whole nine. They also said being bitten by the babies r worse cuz they dont know yet when to stop releasing venom and theirs is much more potient. The longer you wait to go to hosp. The longer the toxins have to destroy flesh. They also gave us a referal to a plastic surgeon for when the anti venom and antibiotics are done the dr. Said even though we got there pretty fast he is still going to have bad scaring and loose some serious nerve endings and will eventually need to get that dead tissue dead muscle and tendon damage surgically removed. It liquifies as it damages the area meaning turns the inside of u where bit into liquid if not treated. The scariest part is he isnt out of the woods yet. All kinds of scenerios and horrible consiquences can still happen! That has to be the first time ever I was glad n ok to sit in an e.r. All night onto the wee hours of the morning. Say a prayer for the guy bless his heart he was only trying to work. I now have arachnaphobia 1,000 times worse than I ever did before!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:03:15 +0000

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