Yatsenyuk: Ukraine has gone intensive phase Prime Minister of - TopicsExpress


Yatsenyuk: Ukraine has gone intensive phase Prime Minister of Ukraine Yatsenyuk This week the signing of the second part of the Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, namely comprehensive free trade area. The political part of the deal was signed two months ago, and it confirmed the blanket Ukrainian European integration course. President signs of an economic agreement, and there is no doubt that this agreement and have a plan to reform the Ukrainian economy. What is the task we face? It competitiveness of Ukrainian products, Ukrainian is the quality of products is available these products in European markets and is creating jobs in the country. In the short term we need to take action in respect of real change as the structure of the Ukrainian economy, and quality of Ukrainian companies, changes in standards and the formation of Ukrainian products, which in quality and standards in its fully complies with the European requirements. This will enable us to increase over the medium term export and conquer new markets. The task is very ambitious, but the other way for Ukraine than the one stipulated in the agreement on free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU, no. This is the right way, where Ukrainian economy is part of a larger integrated space states. Absolutely clear that the agreement has an extremely large positive and requires real action, real action, primarily on the real economy, the government and parliament, which are required by law to ensure the transition to European standards. Russia, as always, nervously reacts to any European integration of Ukraine and Russian leaders statements that they would close the Russian market in the case of Ukraine will sign an economic agreement with the European Union, are without any economic justification. In order to remove any reservations on this issue, we are ready to hold public consultations on the technical implementation of the Agreement. Let us say to the Russians, what are the risks for them. This reminds me of 2005, when we joined the WTO. The same phrases, the same quotes were heard from the Russian side, just to prevent Ukraines membership in the WTO. At the same time Russia was very navyperedky with a view to first join the WTO. So we are ready to conduct technical consultations. And we want to understand what European quality products so threatens our northern neighbors. Basically, they are on the shelves - European goods, and as if on Russian roads as European cars basically drive. What about our next steps. We held the first workshop, which is that Ukraine, and, indeed, the world lives in new political, security and economic realities. We need to understand these new economic realities. We need new markets. And this is what this month I will personally collect all exporting enterprises that export to both the EU and the CIS countries, as well as in other countries, so that for each plant to determine where we can gain additional market. We have adopted the following decision: after the meeting (there is no need to sit in Kiev) economic bloc of the government together with the Prime Minister will meet and go over all promising markets in all countries where we will lobby for the interests of the Ukrainian manufacturers, Ukrainian companies Ukrainian goods and Ukraine in general. Prime Minister of Ukraine Yatsenyuk So does the civilized Western world. And I can clearly state the governments position: we will support national capital, national companies, national manufacturers of all means and methods through the political and economic dialogue in order to increase the volume of Ukrainian exports, in order to diversify its markets in order to create jobs for people in order to raise the quality and competitiveness of Ukrainian products. We still passed the first stage, which enabled the country to avoid default. I would have called it phase of resuscitation. Now we need to move on to rehabilitation - both economic and political. Therefore, I demand that the government members to represent his vision rehabilitation package in every industry, which is guided by the relevant ministers. Objectives, where we go and what we want to achieve. This is what Ukraine needs today. For its part, the two basic goals that we will achieve in the medium term, there is. First - agriculture. Within 3 years, we are able not just to substantially increase production and become one of the major countries that affect the global food market. Therefore, the first Ukrainian program - the so-called Food Programme. We have already held several meetings with our Western partners, and Ill be ready to present to Parliament and the people of Ukraine, this package of Ukrainian food sector, which also receives credit support of foreign partners. The second unit - is energy. In terms of energy - energy efficiency and reducing consumption is, and here I again emphasize ministries: you live as if the country did not change anything, as if Russia does not shut off gas, then I may live. Dear members of the government, then you can not live like this and I must be honest with people, talk openly and propose and speak about the urgent steps that have to be done. Rates increased - so what to do? Reduce consumption. In order to reduce consumption, it is necessary to enable people to incentives: put measuring equipment, to enable the warm house and help resources. Therefore, the second unit - a power that involves two issues: reducing energy consumption, energy efficiency and increase production. These are the priorities that I feel is realistic, because the old tradition when the government sets priorities 150 and writes programs for dekilkasot pages ended, as always, one and the same - nothing has never been implemented. Therefore, I demand that the Government of concrete, clear goals and achieve those goals. The situation in the country is too complex. Billions that have not been budgeted, funded today in order to ensure the territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state. Email is a real naked new type of war. This is war. Shoot, kill, terrorize, kill, intimidate, trying to destroy the Ukrainian state and Ukrainian independence. Things should be called a spade. With us is the information war at home and abroad, which spent billions ns. Email is economic war, when, without any grounds claiming that the market will be closed to us because, you know, a deal they do not like. Perform the contract you signed with us, the neighboring countries. And we have a free trade zone within the CIS. We fulfill our part. And so the responsibility - this is my key requirement for the government and the heads of local administrations. Only a responsibility you can get peoples trust. And just because of the trust and faith of the people in the country can carry out reforms, because reforms - is not as official written text and reform - when millions of energy directed at achieving goals. There is an IMF mission in Kiev. We hold meetings with the IMF to obtain the second tranche of financial aid to Ukraine. Im fairly positive expectations, despite the extremely complex situation and that is not taken into account at the beginning of negotiations with the IMF and the difficult situation that is because no one is hoping for a significant amount of budget spending on defense and security. Also, the actual fighting in the area of ATO, which continues to this day. However, our partners and the IMF, I hope, will take into account all the challenges and difficulties that exist in Ukraine. I would like to stress once again that we, despite all the difficulties, we carry all the criteria.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 01:06:07 +0000

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