Years after a painful break from his Chicago church, President - TopicsExpress


Years after a painful break from his Chicago church, President Barack Obama and his family are considering joining several churches of various denominations in the nations capital but have yet to settle on one, and aides said that theyre unlikely to decide anytime soon.. The delay reflects how the economic crisis has crowded out some personal considerations since Obamas second inauguration in January, but it also underscores the complexities of this personal decision by a public man. Past presidents have grappled with how and where to worship, but Obamas pick is especially guaranteed to provoke interest and scrutiny. His former pastor the Reverend Jeremiah Wrights controversial sermons on institutional racism and American foreign policy imperiled Obamas presidential campaign last year and finally forced Obamas break with Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Even as the church controversy roiled, a small percentage of Americans continued to believe that Obama was Muslim because of his late, estranged Kenyan father and his childhood in Indonesia. As Americas first African-American president, Obama faces another unique conundrum: whether to join a historically black church. Then there are standard logistical concerns: What churches could accommodate frequent presidential visits without seriously disrupting the existing congregations ability to attend services? Which can the Secret Service best secure? Which routes work well for a motorcade? Of those churches that best fit the Obamas culturally - ideologically and in terms of community service - which have the best youth programmes for children Sasha and Malia?For the last 5 years, they have chosen no church, for themselves or the girls. The Obamas say they are committed Christians, and they are certainly looking forward to a place to worship in their time in Washington, said Joshua DuBois, the director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighbourhood Partnerships and one of a handful of aides assisting the familys search. What has become clear is that its no easy task. DuBois declined to say which churches or exactly how many the Obamas are seriously considering. He said that multiple denominations are being considered, as are historically black and mixed-race congregations. The Obamas and a tight group of friends and advisers are vetting churches, but White House aides declined to discuss what the vetting process involves. The consensus among several area pastors, religion professors and community organisers who were interviewed is that about a dozen churches in north-west Washington are probably contenders. Without a church all these years & months, DuBois said, Obama spends daily time in reflection and prayers. He does that privately. So far, the Obamas few church visits since moving to Washington in January have been connected to political events. A visit to the Nineteenth Street Baptist church - the only services attended by the full Obama family, including the girls and Michelle Obamas mother, Marian Robinson - came during pre-inaugural events and a Martin Luther King holiday celebration. Obamas visits to St Johns Episcopal church on inauguration day and later to the Washington National Cathedral for a prayer service are presidential tradition. Michelle Obama recently visited a homeless food program thats connected to Western Presbyterian church. Dean Snyder is now senior minister of Foundry, the church that Bill Clinton attended when he was president. Whichever church the Obamas choose, Snyder said, the congregation will likely feel its an honor - and a burden, with the increased security and public attention. Snyder recently baptized a baby he said had been born to a couple whod met at an Easter service during the Clinton years while they were standing in line to pass through the metal detectors. In retrospect, he said, the Clintons membership proved to be a very positive net outcome. I
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:29:47 +0000

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