Years ago, I had criticized George W. Bushs environmental - TopicsExpress


Years ago, I had criticized George W. Bushs environmental policies. Some folks referred to me as a traitor for being so critical of the President. Those same folks are now openly speaking with deep contempt, hatred and violent thoughts towards our current President. Some have even said they wished they could have a minute to punch him senseless, or even worse. I have no problem with people criticizing our political leaders. We need to have open discussion about those in office and hold them accountable (to the best of our abilities, anyway.) But to be called a traitor for being critical of one president, then witness those same folks who scorned me openly wish they could shoot the current one just strikes me as a bit dumbfounding. You may not like him. You may not have voted for him. You may hate his decisions. Nothing wrong with being critical of our leaders. But the violent hypocrisy I see on a daily basis from people loudly proclaiming themselves as true Patriots is ridiculous. I mean, isnt threatening the Commander in Chief with violence and death a federal crime? I couldnt stand President Bush Jr., but I never wanted to wring his neck. And if I did, I would never brag about it. I admit, I would be considered a Liberal. I did vote for Obama the first time around. That was because I saw him the better of the two major options. The lesser of two evils, if you will. I sure as hell didnt want Romney in office because I knew his environmental policies would be that much more devastating. I would prefer to be considered American first, then whatever political alignment next. Maybe Independent. I dunno. I just like what I like and dont like what I dont like. I have always tried to see all sides of the argument. For example, I hate coal power as it is. I mean, who likes something that requires whole MOUNTAINS to be destroyed? Some of the mountains they are leveling for coal have been around for over a BILLION years! It destroys the environment. It pollutes the air. Simple as that. But I also see the plight of folks who live in coal-industry held regions. I know that poverty is huge there, and the coal industry is one of the few places that provides jobs. Its a matter of eating or not eating, getting medical care or going without. Serious, deep poverty. In a perfect world, these folks would be able to find plenty of work in industries that celebrate the natural beauty of the Appalachian region and protects it the best they can. But it just isnt there. If you had to feed your family, keep the lights on and make sure junior gets his medication, what would you do? I am liberal in the sense that I have an open mind to these issues and Im willing to listen closely to both sides of issues.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:01:26 +0000

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