Yep, its that time again. Time for your sappy fearless leader to - TopicsExpress


Yep, its that time again. Time for your sappy fearless leader to post her sappy thank you post, lol. But on a serious note, with everything that is going on and has gone on lately with this group, I could not be more proud to be a part of such an amazing group of people. After such a devastating reality check, and kick in the stomachs, the amount of positive feedback I have gotten, so outweighs the few negative ones. After learning that I had trusted the wrong person with so much responsibility in this group, (and there was so much more to the story than was necessary to share) it really shined a light on one person who, not only has been nothing but trustworthy, but who really stepped up even more than she already had, to help me get this group back on track. Kelly Nash, if I would have gone through all of this without you, I would have been at a loss. I know I put so much on your shoulders, and you carry so much weight without complaint, and I know I dont thank you nearly enough. If I thanked you once an hour, every day, it wouldnt be enough. Also, Rachel JohnBarrett, you stepped up when you were needed the most, and in the short time you have been admin, you have been a joy to work with, have had great ideas on how to improve the group and the way our admins communicate. We picked you because you have always been an asset to the group, not just with your squares, but because you are always quick to help our members by answering questions and reporting spam to your admins. You have already proven that we made a great choice, and I thank you. I also want to thank our new advisors. Susan Kirk, we could not have expanded this group to making caps without your knowledge and guidance. You already had your own group, and you didnt have to help us, but you rose to the occasion, and put us on the right path to do this the right way. Thank you so much for all that you have done. Also, Ann Marie Avey and Kim Jewell. You ladies stepped up to help us with our ravelry page and are already throwing out amazing ideas to help us grow and expand on that forum. You answered our cry for help in a big way, and I can not thank you enough. And aside from our amazing support staff, we have our amazing, generous and loyal members. You who stuck by us through thick and thin. You who have remained loyal to this group, not just one admin. You who give your time, your hard work, your hard earned money to support, not only this group, but all of the Charities we help. Some of you have been here for years, some of you just a few months, but each and every participating member is an important part of what we do. I know we help charities, but we also help each other. I know, from what I have been told by our members, and from my own personal experience, that this little community we have here has been a huge help through rough times to our members (and its admins) and I know you all like to thank me, but it is you who deserves the appreciation. Without you, this group would not be able to help nearly as many charities or touch as many lives as we do. I can not apologize enough for things that have happened lately, but I would not have made it through it all without all of you. I can not thank you all enough!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 04:12:25 +0000

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