Yep,this will get me in a lot of trouble,(mostly with the Mrs.who - TopicsExpress


Yep,this will get me in a lot of trouble,(mostly with the Mrs.who frowns on my loud,decadent music,violent attitude and vicious sense of truth),but het man,Im not a people pleaser,Im the other guy.When something more important than race,right vs left,and Obama comes along,wake me up,no better still sign me up.Im fed up to the gills with all this back and forth bull shit.All this my ideas better than yours because i use bigger wordsshit.All the hippies need to burn or bathe.All liberals and far lefters that think Obama is a Godsend can C.O.D. his ass back to hell.All the far righters who want an opened war in the streets,come to my house first,well start there.All themuh feelings people can blow me,im sick of your over self indulgent tear fests.In fact,me and FaceBook in general are diametrically opposed,as it HAS a spot for whats on my mind and no one with the balls to hear it.Once upon a time,the word American was worn like a banner,now,it has to have a disclaimer attached or its a shameful thing,African American,Latino American,Asian American,Stick the lables at the back of the name honey,pretty sure we can tell where your families geographic points of origin was.If you want to change the world,get up and DO something.Turn this damned machine off and go walk 2 miles with a disabled friend to help them regain mobility.Thats what i plan to do here in a bit.Mow somebodys grass man.If ya have an extra 40 bucks,buy the family ya know is strugglin a few staple groceries.America is broke down,we have a flat tire,so stop yackin and start jackin.And so help me God,the next time i see a post about look whats wrong in (any country but this one) im subject to start droppin friends.And hey,its not like even that means anything anymore.People we friendhere for the most part we tend to agree with on what ever issue we hold close.I do it the opposite way,i LIKE people with the balls to disagree with me,we keep each other in check.Now then,i could be all touchy feely,but theres more than enough of you pet lovin tree huggin hippies to do that for us,so... https://youtube/watch?v=VXIzmM1DaW8
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 08:32:55 +0000

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