Yes...not everyone will listen but we need to speak up anyway... - TopicsExpress


Yes...not everyone will listen but we need to speak up anyway... today I expressed to my nurse practitioner, my frustration with continuing to experience chronic intermittent nausea since I had the parasite after my visit to Peru (now 1.5 years) ... I stated it was my perception that the hemangiomas in my liver were a direct result of the parasite and the damage it did to my liver.... I was told most patients never have any symptoms and it could have been there from before... I then expressed that I was feeling like my perceptions were being invalidated and that I believed there was a direct correlation...she said - I just asked you how you were feeling and then this! I felt intensely angry with her .... todays energy did push me to express strong feelings in a kind and loving way using I language....still, I think Im going to leave this health care provider to find someone who treats me with greater respect.... even the mental health nurse there, after I asked for support following my mothers death and expressed my deep distress over the repeated traumatization of childhood and subsequent dysfunctional family dynamics, wrote in her file in response to my statement that: I realized the day of my mothers funeral that she did not die from the lung cancer but because the doctor did not give her the blood transfusion she needed weekly or bi-weekly - ...mother died of lung cancer....... I stated my mother came to me in my dreams a week or two following her death and talked to me and when I awoke I knew in my heart she had been telling the truth all along about being experimented on by the CIA... nurse wrote: Mother was schizophrenic.... What is with the medical and mental health establishment invalidating the perceptions of their patients? I believe it comes from the fact that the service provided is based on the male model of power over and that means the inherent flaws or weakness in this model include: inequality (superiority and inferiority) vs equality, competition (vs) cooperation (partnership), manipulation vs mutuality, hostility vs goodwill, control vs intimacy and negation vs validation....I believe this is the problem with giving nurses male power to practice as doctors....while there are likely many who will not abuse that power - there are also many who will!!!! And, whether it is unconscious or not - it is inevitable there will be damage done to the patient as a direct result....
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:41:15 +0000

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