Yes, this is the case with Obama and his reign of terror. Those - TopicsExpress


Yes, this is the case with Obama and his reign of terror. Those who have voted for him and have supported him all the way and now they want to distance themselves. Well here is one voter who is telling all of you who continue to support the destruction of America and better think this through, because a looser like Obama, had millions of losers voting for him. Now that you have an opportunity to change the ugly dynamic, you should take it. At the end of this game is years of misery if you follow the same logic. Obama is man who has destroyed everything in his path and he supports Wendy, Cole Ballweg and every other Democrat running. The reason he wants them to win, is so he can continue his fight for a Marxist Government here, through their efforts. If you think this is just partisan politics, just look at Obama Care, Boston Bombing, Fast and Furious, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Benghazi. Everything he has touched is backed by intent and the will to destroy the Greatest Country ever existing on this Planet. When you vote for a Democrat, you vote for more of the same. Obama has said, I am not running, but you will be voting for my policies. When you cast your ballot, vote a straight Republican Ticket and when the smoke clears, we True and Tried Americans will get to work and clean the Republican Party of RINOs, who are Democrats who lied to get themselves elected. Diane Patrick comes to mind, as here voting record was failing every term she served, voted with the Democrats every time a bill came to the floor, supported Joe Strauss another Democrat running as a Republican, then when she looses the primary to Tony, she backs her bags, sends her campaign manager over to Cole Ballwegs camp and support him. Tony Pompa is another who has done the same. He is no more a conservative, than I am a liberal. Take it from me, we are in hard times, the noose is ready and we are at then end of our rope, if we do not get rid of these Obama loving liars and cheats. With the momentum of a 2014 sweep and the replacement of Democrats around this country, we can get back to restoring the Republic. Your children, grandchildren and their grandchildren can live in Freedom and Liberty. Roll up your sleeves and lets throw the bums out on their ears, or one of the other 2001 body parts. IF YOU ARE REALLY INTERESTED IN BRINGING SENSIBILITY BACK TO GOVERNANCE, THROUGH THE DEMOCRATS OUT OF GOVERNING TEXAS.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:26:05 +0000

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