Yestaday i promised to contiour with my story CONTINUATION OF - TopicsExpress


Yestaday i promised to contiour with my story CONTINUATION OF THE OATH The childless state of the king of the land had not only been a subject of ridicule, but a pain in the king’s heart. Having been married for eighteen years and been on the throne for fifteen, he had looked forward to such a day as this when the gods would have mercy and grant him his heart’s desire. King had always feared that without an heir, the throne would one day be taken away from this lineage. The news of the newborn gladdened his heart and lifted his spirits. He couldn’t wait to hold his child the heir to the throne in his arms. Did you say it was a boy? He queried, his eyes alight with joy. “A boy, the King” replied the servant who was lying face down before the King. Rise now go within and see to the preparation of a banquet unequalled! We must celebrate as we have never done before”. Everyone cheered, happy for the King. Everyone except a man whose heart was bitter at the news. (Chief ), the King right hand man, had hoped that the queen would die at childbirth to a stillborn. He was terribly disappointed that after hoping o strongly that this day would never come, the gods decided to take sides with the king instead of favoring him. decided to take sides with the king instead of favoring him. The chief had always been obsessed with the desire to be King, for he was next in line for the throne if the remained childless. This is good news, my King! He said feigning a smile to hide his rage. Very good news. Chief was a well trusted ally of the king and was highly regarded by the people, but how he secretly raged against the King now for not dying before he had produced an heir. The gods must be particularly pleased with the king to decide to bless him with an heir after all these years, observed Chief, one of the King’s trusted men. And to think its eight days to the festival, added Chief “the naming ceremony will be on the same day as the festival. How true the King exclaimed. The gods have shown me great favour. The chiefs all rose and paid homage to the king, and then trooped off to pay homage to the new arrival. The next episode will be tomorrow
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 19:45:53 +0000

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