Yesterday at 3.52pm BST, Cameron said inequality is at its lowest - TopicsExpress


Yesterday at 3.52pm BST, Cameron said inequality is at its lowest level since 1986. I really thought Id misheard him. Cameron lies, thats established f fact. But mendacity of such epic proportions is surely a clear indication that this really is the Coalitions last stand. In March this year Oxfam urged the chancellor George Osborne to use his budget to make an assault on tax avoidance and introduce a living wage in a report they published highlighting how a handful of the super-rich, headed by the Duke of Westminster, have more money and financial assets than 12.6 million Britons put together. Oxfams director of campaigns and policy, Ben Phillips, said: Britain is becoming a deeply divided nation, with a wealthy elite who are seeing their incomes spiral up, while millions of families are struggling to make ends meet. Its deeply worrying that these extreme levels of wealth inequality exist in Britain today, where just a handful of people have more money than millions struggling to survive on the breadline. This is a prime minister that has overburdened the very vulnerable with austerity, austerity and more austerity, taken away support services and reduced, cut and sanctioned away lifeline benefits for the very poorest whilst liberating the wealthiest from any social responsibilities handing out tax breaks to the tune of £107,000 each per year to the millionaires. How can that NOT lead to gross inequalities? The only truth Ive ever heard Cameron utter was his Freudian-styled slip .when he said: We are raising more money for the rich. Yes. From where? The poor.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:22:31 +0000

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