Yesterday marked my sixth month from my self-imposed departure - TopicsExpress


Yesterday marked my sixth month from my self-imposed departure from being enslaved by opiates - never again will I be a slave. For those who have never fought addiction, I envy you; many of us, envy you. I share this not for applause, nor for pity, nor for attention; I share this because I know many people close to me, not so close to me, and many more I do not know, are currently struggling with addiction. It ruins lives, relationships, friendships; makes us forget who we are, who we were, where we are from, and blinds us as to where we are currently residing - a place of pain, insanity, and a place of struggle. But Life is too beautiful a gift to ever give in. Remember that, my friends.....Never Give In (thank you, brother Antone Enger for that epitaph :) And I would be a complete fake if I did not give much thanks and gratitude to Shelby Hutchinson for helping me, assisting me, and having the heart to understand the daily struggle that is addiction - without her, I am not sure where I would be now, as she helped me endure the shivers, the cold sweats, the daily flu-like symptoms, and for that, I will forever be grateful. Has life gotten better since I ended the endless journey to appease my appetite for, sorry Axle, but my appetite for destruction? Nope. But I no longer have that monkey on my back and, for that, I am thankful. I am not a religious man, but something has kept me alive this long, has allowed me to endure what I have overcome, and because of that, I continue to move forward, no matter how arduous the task; there are billions of others who are struggling much more than I could ever fathom, so I will continue to press on with my music as my only true way to express myself, other than hugs. :) Good morning, brothers and sisters - hope your Tuesday is a beautiful one.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 11:24:18 +0000

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