Yesterday my Dad passed away. You always know its going to happen - TopicsExpress


Yesterday my Dad passed away. You always know its going to happen but doesnt make it any easier. I wood really like to say he was an amazing Father to me but he taught me not to lie. He was from a generation that worked hard and made sure his family never went without financially and for that I am truly grateful. I wish I had been braver and initiated more touchy feely moments but you werent an emotional man. You never came to any of my school events or marching competitions, you never told me you were proud of me or that you loved me. Im glad I came down Labour weekend and saw you in hospital for the last time. You let me hold your hand and I saw you cry for the first time ever. You told me you were sorry for the way you kicked Mum & I out when I was 18 and moving your new woman straight in. You even apologised for grabbing me by the throat when I wouldnt speak nicely to her on the phone. I appreciated your acknowledgement of all that. Despite our past we managed to talk and visit occasionally and Im grateful to my beautiful daughters who were my reason for building the bridge between us. You werent perfect but you were my Dad. I love you x
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 03:45:18 +0000

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