Yesterday, we found a baby Robin next to a cat in our - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, we found a baby Robin next to a cat in our neighborhood. He tried to fly, but was very weak and not ready. My kids cleaned him up and kept him warm. This morning we woke up, he passed away. Of course, I knew his outlook was not good and my kids knew this. I did love seeing how caring they were to their injured friend. We were going to bring him to the Audubon Society this morning, but he had his own journey to go on. RIP our feathered friend. Animal Symbolism of the Red Robin Joy Hope Clarity Renewal Pleasure Simplicity Happiness Satisfaction Rejuvenation Contentment Bright future New beginning Native American Plains tribes attributed the return of the sun (inception of spring) with the red robin too. Indeed, many Native American beliefs attributed solar symbolic meaning to the red robin because its rosy red chest is symbolic of the dawning sun. Also, its bright yellow beak is symbolic of sun rays lighting the earth with hope. Omaha tribes believed the sun rose and set on the wings of the robin. The robins bright yellow beak is also symbolic of sun rays to the Native American. Native Americans attributed their beak color with being mindful of the spoken word. The robin was a sign to only present the highest truth when speaking. Further, Iroquois and Shoshone tribe lore indicated the white ring around the red robins eye was symbolic of prophetic vision, clarity, and great wisdom. The robin would be called upon during ceremonies when clear understanding was needed, and quality judgments needed to be made. The robin brings a fresh new perspective to situations that are otherwise foggy and unclear. Try calling on robin energy for clarity when your judgement is clouded or when you need light shed on an issue. The red robin reminds us its time to shake the sleepiness out of our head (both figuratively and literally), get alert, get moving, and start enjoying life! Spring has sprung, tides have turned, and no matter how crummy or grey our world has been it is time for new beginnings! Enjoy the bright road ahead because its only going to get brighter!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:53:36 +0000

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