Yesu asimibwe, The story of Bugisu is so fresh in the minds of - TopicsExpress


Yesu asimibwe, The story of Bugisu is so fresh in the minds of the old Bamasaba and Non- Bamasaba. Our past is clearly shared all over. Some of us the young ones who were not there only hear the good stories. Stories like Mbale being the cleanest town by then, How BCU built great schools like BCK, TCA, Butiki among others. The Housing estates built by BCU and all the business ventures were what made Mbale (Bugisu) strong. We hear, Mbale used to set prices for goods in this great country because our people were rich. But today, all this is history. It should be noted that all, did not happen by mere wishful thinking but rather our great grandfathers worked in cohesion, unity and relentlessly planned to make Bugisu historical. They sacrificed all they could to make sure those who come after them are okay. They left examples for our fathers to copy and build Can we work our way to make revive this lost glory???? BUT LET US BE REALISTIC AND ASK EACH OTHER THESE QUESTIONS, Are the present day fathers of bugisu united? Are we (you&Me) doing anything within our reach to build a future for others who will live after us? Have we done anything positive to secure our community? If yes,what is it? and if no, why????? These are personal questions that you should ask yourself as you read through this email and how you respond to the above questions will either build or break the future of our children. Our community is bleeding, Mbale is in shacks, food insecurity is knocking and so inevitable, climate change related problems are increasing everyday, poverty is on the rise, Unemployment is heavy, moral degeneration is so high and all these things can easily lead to one thing-Conflict. To whom it will affect, i can confidently say that all our children will be victims. We can choose to build our personal lives and ignore the rest of community; but remember what affects community certainly affects us; and you & me form a community. So we are part of the community and could easily be the victims depending on how we respond to community needs today. I have never seen a community that develops when not united. All of us have given up because of very many justifiable reasons, but i think its too early to give up and not too late to continue trying until we build a future for our sons and daughters. Its our plea as the young generation that you the father and mother of today strives to live a legacy for us. We have lived a painful life but our desire is that our children should live a different life all together. They should find a soft landing only prepared by there fathers. Lets unite for once and change the history of our community. To our elders of today, do not let us down, do not give up on our community but use well your abilities and the opportunities you have today and secure our future. To young generation (My brothers & sisters), Let us stop despising our each other, let us be humble and work in unity and cohesion to avoid a strained future especially for our children. I hope to hear from you.... God Bless Wabomba BUGISU DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (BDF)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 18:33:41 +0000

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