Yo.. I get into these phases sometimes where I embrace the fact - TopicsExpress


Yo.. I get into these phases sometimes where I embrace the fact that Im crazy - I mean I am who I am, I wont ever be perfect, I know this.. Ill have my moments: Im gonna yell, & get mad, Ill prolly do things w/o thinking about it first, Im gonna care about certain things that shouldnt matter, Im gonna over-analyze shit, Im may tell lies from time to time, Im gonna say s**t I dont mean, do & say things I might wish I could take back, Im gonna make mistakes knowing theyre mistakes before I commit them, Im gonna have days that I get bummed out, Im prolly gonna do s**t that might cause me grief, anguish, or embarrassment, Im gonna wait till the last minute sometimes, & come up short on a goal, or task, I might have to break a promise or two, Im gonna have hard days & slow days, Im gonna have times when I did too much of something, & times when I didnt do enough, Im gonna forget s**t, Im gonna spill food or drinks on myself & or other people, Im gonna owe apologies, Ill prolly speak apologies that I dont truly mean at the moment, Im gonna get my feelings hurt, & Im gonna hurt other peoples feelings. Im gonna omit knowledge & keep secrets. We call this crap Skeletons in Our Closet.. But as humans, we arent meant to be perfect.. This is our nature. BECAUSE were human. Were born sinners. & If The Bible really is the true word of God, then we dont get the 650-700+ years live that man once had, 3/4 of a millennium to walk the earth and have all these children to carry legacy and correct our wrong-doing through the righteousness of their life.. That era ended somewhere between The Great Flood & Moses. So now-a-days, we got one REALLY short piece of that life-span, to really make it count. But I feel like if you dont ever do any of that, if your really truly live as pure as The Bible says Jesus lived, which I severely doubt, but if you do - Then either God has a special place for you next to him in Heaven cuz you already know how live the life he intended for you, or hes gonna think that youre super boring & wont believe that you truly learned anything with your time on Earth. Because if all this Biblical-spur is TRUTH, & the time we have here is truly prefix to something more but there are these stipulations & moment of Judgment where you actually stand before Him - then this life has gotta be a test - otherwise whats He base judgment off of? The only data He could have is how you lived while here - whether or not you lived the life He commanded you to, and if there were times when you didnt, did you acknowledge that you didnt & admit it? & most of all, did you believe? Its spiritual warfare while youre here.. The Heavens & Hell are still & ever will be, until man is no more - & apparently both plains are tugging at your soul. YOURE the target objective of this war.. This Great War you cannot witness is occurring around you right now! & they want you! One might interpret this to mean that your soul doesnt truly belong to you to begin with, but you DO have the ability to give it to either of these mighty armies.. But note that if this is true - than it would seem much easier to lose your spot at the right of The Father, and forfeit your soul to Hades forever - than it is to allow The Throne to absolve you of any gain that you may have been persuaded to let the evil grasp on you, your mind, or your soul, cuz it says that even Satan was once a Mighty Angel of The Lords Court, this, to me indicates that this means no matter his power & authority - STILL, The Devil can NEVER over-throw Him. Satan? Hes an angel, a fallen angel - hes not a God.. But theres a way hell gain enough authority to challenge YOUR God.. Even strong enough to win if it were a larger pool to draw, claiming souls is the fuel, & if you give him that, you make him that much lord powerful and he will expend your body & he will incarcerate your mind once he has your soul.. So if this is all truth, hows that not a GIANT analogy to make mistake but seek forgiveness & pray or ask somehow anyhow, for the knowledge to live righteously? I dunno Im not incredibly religious, but what the Bible TEACHES us as it was intended to - seems to bare a strikingly, accurate resemblance, to the lessons in tribulations that Ive experienced in my life thus far... Idk.. Just thinking out loud here, Im a nap now.. & dont forget to pray for OTHER people yall & throw my Godmother: Aunt Marcie in tha basket too - she has surgery @ 5:30 AM.. Thanx yall Gnight..
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:46:44 +0000

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