Yoga has been practiced by all Races and Nationalities Since the - TopicsExpress


Yoga has been practiced by all Races and Nationalities Since the Beginning of time: The system of Yoga is neither from the East or West: it is in Asia that it has developed it is in India (and Tibet) where there have been the majority of adepts , it is in the East where this traditional method has been preserved, but it has been practiced by all ancient initiations whether (Africa, America or Australia). In what is referred to as the physical culture of yoga , it is typically a calm eastern exercise which is based not on principles of strength but of resistance: its rhythm being one of flexibility more than one of energy. Nevertheless we are informed that Hatha Yoga postures have been practiced in certain tribes of Africa throughout its ceremonies, the Aboriginies of Austrlaia adopt certain positions before its "corroborree" (initiatic rites), We have seen postures identical to those of meditation (dhyana-asanas) by the Maoris of New Zealand, Laplander Natives of Greenland, Incas of Peru, as well as statues and hieroglyphics which prove that the Ancient Egyptians also practiced Hatha Yoga Asanas. As always it makes us naturally think of a same origin of origins and instead of there being different initiations, there solely exists only one Initiation which has been preserved by the tradition of mouth to ear, the oral tradition of Master to disciple, as a Sacred Science preserved throughout the course of time, throughout all the Eras by the Gurus which have transmitted it to their Chellahs: by Mahatma Chandra Bala, Al Hadjj, Dr Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 08:46:27 +0000

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