You Know Youre From Orange County When... You watch a police - TopicsExpress


You Know Youre From Orange County When... You watch a police pursuit weekly on the news. You have been to the mountains, desert, and the beach in the same day. You have perfected driving with sandals on despite it being illegal (but what cop would enforce it?!?). You make $60,000 and your still considered as the Lower-Middle Class. You work a second (third?) job just to pay for car insurance. You have been to the DMV and have wondered what country you are actually in. You know what In-N-Out is and feel bad for all the other states because they dont have any. Everyone you know has 3+ phone numbers. Home, Office, mobile, pager, two-way, voicemail..... You know that if you drive one mile in any direction you will find a McDonalds or a Starbucks. You have had a class field trip to Old Towne Knotts Berry Farm as a youngster. You classify new people you meet by their Area Code. 909- Are you kidding me? 310- To Ghetto... Youve bought oranges, flowers, cherries or peanuts on a freeway off-ramp. Youve partied in Tijuana at least once. Youve inadvertently learned Spanish. You have thought that 20 years of construction on 22 freeway is enough. Its barely sprinkling rain and theres a report on every news station: STORM WATCH You have watched the show the OC and have cried till youve laughed. You have bypassed a mattress, a folding chair, and a dryer on the freeway while on your way to work. You shop at Trader Joes, Whole Foods and/or Henrys. You eat a different ethnic food at every meal. You think $1200 a month rent is way to good to be true. You still go to the beach in December. You own a hybrid vehicle and a Hummer. Going to Disneyland can be a weekly routine. You know what sigalert, PCH, CHOC, OCTFCU and the five mean. You know where parts of Tom Hankss That Thing You Do, the Coen Brothers The Man Who Wasnt There, and Martin Lawrences movie Big Mommas House were filmed. You go to a tanning salon before going to the beach. Youll reluctantly miss yoga class to wait for the hot tub repairman. The Orange Crush means more than the soda- i.e. a pain in the ass! You see the original Batmobile and Kobe Bryant in the same intersection. All highways into the county say: no fruits. All highways out of the county say: Thanks for Not staying!. You know five different ways to get anywhere, and which one you choose is based on weather, time of day, and day of the week. You realize you have no idea how to get to LAX. Your body looks more plastic than the Diet Coke bottle youre drinking out of. You have lived there all your life and never learned to surf. Your high school had a club for every different nationality. You have to take 3 different freeways to go 3 miles. you correct people in other states (or even Nor Cal) when they say they are headed to LA to go to Disneyland! You can go get carnitas, a chicken teriyaki rice bowl, greek gyro, and burgers all in one spot! You wear a sweater, jeans and boots when the temp drops below 65 degrees. You know people that live in Costa Mesa but say they live in Newport Beach or they live in Anaheim but say they live in Anaheim Hills. You get offended at the new name for the Angels. You know youre from Orange County when you pay hundreds of dollars every month to let a small group of people tell you what shade of beige your house can be and what two types of flowers you can plant in your yard. You have a gym membership but forget where the closest one to home actually is. driving from Irvine to Anaheim in an hour is considered making good time! You correct out-of-town guest when they say theyre coming out to L.A. to visit you. You didnt realize there was a California out of SoCal...
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 22:07:51 +0000

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