You are a hero. I know how you feel. Each and everyday I am - TopicsExpress


You are a hero. I know how you feel. Each and everyday I am saddened by knowing so many will be put down. So heartbreaking. I go on Facebook to try and save as many as I can. I network out too. I volunteer. I have fostered and adopted. I have 2 senior Labs now who I adore and without me where would they be? I do this for my love of dogs. To me dogs are a gift from G-d, yet people abuse them, neglect them, hurt them, even kill them. Dogs are more human than some humans. With tears in my eyes I applaud you for what you did. I hope he will be okay and have a few more good years knowing love and having a real friend. Thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 22:37:53 +0000

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