You are invited to this powerful workshop Sat. March 15th, in SLC, - TopicsExpress


You are invited to this powerful workshop Sat. March 15th, in SLC, UT! EFT for ENERGY TOXINS & SUBSTANCE SENSITIVITIES Do you or a loved one suffer from muscle weakness, fatigue, frequent headaches, body aches and pains, dizziness, foggy thinking, racing heart, elevated blood pressure, abnormal fears, digestive issues, bloating, moodiness, sadness, puffy under-eye bags, erratic or irrational behavior, red ears, runny nose, or cravings? Sometimes, even the more serious type of long-term conditions can actually be the result of food/substance sensitivities, environmental toxins, and/or trapped emotions from a traumatic event (including surgery) that have blocked, disrupted, or interfered with the energy system of the body! Doctors sometimes call these “allergies,” but often, they give a set of discomforts a label that sounds like a terrible disease. I want to teach you how to quickly and easily identify an offending food, toxin, or substance sensitivity with muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology) and then neutralize your relationship with the problem substance so you can live in peace as your happy, healthy self again! In most cases, the wonderful results are long-term (or permanent). Please understand, I am very limited in the language I can use to describe the conditions that can be helped. I can also help you and your classmates free yourselves of any craving or addiction (very much like an allergy). If youd like to, you are welcome to bring a small amount of any substance(s) you know or believe might be a problem for you. (Do not bring any illegal substance.) EFT Tapping can be self-applied, or used to help your family, friends, pets, clients, or people far away. If people want to, we will also check everyone for allergy or energetic repulsion of MONEY in any/all of it$ form$, and correct for whatever we discover. This Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Workshop is for do-it-yourself beginners, as well as seasoned healers/professionals of any modality! Come with an open mind, prepared to have fun and learn something new! I promise, no one will be bored! Even if we are feeling good, it is amazing how we can all borrow benefits and peel another layer of the onion! Reveal your pure heart! EFT combines the physical benefits of Chinese acupuncture and acupressure with the cognitive benefits of conventional therapy for a much faster, more complete treatment of emotional issues, relief of pain, old traumas, fears, cravings, substance sensitivities, and limiting beliefs that get in the way of personal performance and excellent relationships. The founder of Emotional Freedom Techniques, Gary Craig, says to try it on everything. And I do! EFT tapping often works where nothing else will. DISCLAIMER: The information you will get from this class is for educational purposes only. Your teacher, Utahna Tassie, LMT, EFT-ADV, is not a medical doctor or medical professional, and therefore cannot and does not give medical advice, make any diagnosis, or claim to cure anything. If you are currently under the care of a medical doctor, please get their okay to attend and participate in this class. WHEN: Saturday, March 15, 2014 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM TUITION: $65 (This is really for this fun, informative, skill-building, life-transforming, 6-hour workshop!) DEPOSIT: RSVP with payment or a $20 DEPOSIT to hold your seat. (Class size is small so as to give more personal attention.) The deposit is non-refundable, but is transferable to future class of mine of similar subject matter if you cant make it due to emergency. LOCATION: Ashton Office Building 1104 E. Ashton Ave., Suite #111, SLC, UT 84106 RSVP WITH DEPOSIT, please CONTACT TEACHER: Utahna Tassie, LMT, EFT-ADV 801.973.7849 myhealingcoach@gmail I can take credit card over the phone, or you can do PayPal online. LUNCH: Lunch is potluck. Please bring something to share. You may also wish to consider a snack for yourself or to share. We have a full kitchen available. BRING: Refillable water bottle Notebook & pen A sample of any suspected, problematic food, supplement, Rx, or grooming product Adjustable clothing (temperature fluctuates a lot!) Perhaps a blanket and/or pillow will help to make you more comfortable Lunch item to share Snack for yourself IMPORTANT: I will teach you as much as we have time for, according to the needs of the students in attendance. If you are experiencing any problem or discomfort, PLEASE COME! We will work on you first! YOU WILL BE SO GLAD YOU CAME! Namaste! Utahna Tassie 801.973.7849 myhealingcoach@gmail facebook/tonnie.tassie
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 11:05:00 +0000

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