You asked for it Jason Price.... Heres my top 10 annoying facebook - TopicsExpress


You asked for it Jason Price.... Heres my top 10 annoying facebook friends:). *not suitable for the easily offended and those who do not have a sense of humor.* My top ten most entertainingly, annoying facebook friends: 10. The Pusher-always trying to get people on board with whatever cause they are fluffing. (I am guilty of this to a certain degree.) 9. The Titbag - this person is constantly whining and complaining about every single thing that happens and feels the need to broadcast just how sucky their life is. This usually results in a pissing contest as to who has the crappiest life. 8. The Overly Enthusiastic Derp- this person is the exact opposite of the Titbag. OED is super excited about everything and seems to lead a fantastical life and wants to promote others to follow in their awesome footsteps. 7. Conspiracy Theorist - they flood our news feed with crazy stories about crazy things that are probably false, yet linger in your mind because after all, if its on the internet it has to be true right? 6. The Trainwreck- we all know whats going to happen next... This person is so oblivious to the obvious. They do not learn from past mistakes and either ignore their own common sense or lack the same. Now here comes the Fab 5 of annoying facebook friends: 5. Internet derpina Sans Google- this person apparently has not yet discovered Google. They post things on facebook such as, Anyone know the phone number to....? Hello - Google that shit! Its not that hard. 4. Facebook Patient- instead of going to a doctor, you post your symptoms and ask the opinion of your virtual friends in lieu of a medical professional. 3. Mommy Dearest - you would like to be perceived as Mother Theresa, but you arent fooling us. You do seemingly good deeds only to fluff yourself up on facebook broadcasting every good thing you have done in order to get attention and/or credit and publicity. Your heart isnt in the right place. Quit using people to make yourself look good. We arent buying it. 2. Selfie in the Gym Derp- you all know what Im talkin about. They post every detail of their workout and then proceed to take selfies in the gym mirror so we can all see how buff they are... And the number #1 annoying facebook persona goes to: 1. Middle-Aged Hot Mess- we ALL have this friend in our feed. Their posts tend contain DRAMA. They call out people and argue on facebook. They make virtual threats against those who wronged them followed by a post about not caring about what anyone thinks... Really? We expect this behavior from teenagers, but not from grown ass people. While you not only make yourself look ridiculous ... Well Nevermind thats it.. You make yourself look ridiculous. And there you go... If your panties are in a bunch after reading this, calm down. It probably means that you fall into one or more categories. This is simply made for humorous purposes and if you are offended, you need to lighten up. :) Youre welcome.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 22:58:24 +0000

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