You dont see posts like this from me very often, so this is going - TopicsExpress


You dont see posts like this from me very often, so this is going to be long one... if you have a problem with that, Ill make it simple for you - Dont read it! My heart has been challenged massively today, and my personal growth expanded beyond words... Hardest day of my life today, bar none. My husband, left at 6am this morning to Mexico for 8 weeks... I have been managing 3 little broken hearts all morning... and teaching lessons youll only ever find in a life that you actually LIVE... It was always our dream to be retired at 30... we started working on it when we got our first business at 18 and 19... I put retired in quotation marks because I believe retirement is only for people who dont love what they do... When you find your purpose, you work till the day you die because it gives LIFE to you! Your job is what youre PAID for, your WORK is what youre MADE for...So, on 1st August this year, 5 days after he turned 30, he put in his resignation - Be careful what you wish for, it ALWAYS shows up!!! His final day at his job was last Saturday, and now, he is chasing his dreams. When he gets back from Mexico, our 3 girls are excited that hell never have to go to work again, and hell never miss anything at school, and he can even drop them off, pick them up EVERY DAY... (and then have workouts and walks on the beach with me after drop off!) A special mention to one of the most impactful mentors of my life so far, Mr David Nomchong who planted this seed in Gregs mind 2 years ago when he was talking to Greg and helping him to find his passions, and 3 words literally changed the entire trajectory of our life because he spoke them to Greg. He said lift your game. And so he did. Massively. He found the online world and has become a global guru, but is always too modest and humble to let you all know! lol... but he is now on his way to Mexico to expand his online businesses as we speak! Greg Nunan I Miss you like crazy already!! Most men talk about what they want to provide for their family but very very few make the sacrifices that are NECESSARY to make it happen, and so their family lives way below their potential the rest of their lives. But not us. Thank you for having the courage to do this. Youve left 4 broken hearts back here, but 8 weeks is going to be insignificant in the big picture. Hooray to you never working again for anything or anyone other than what you WANT to do and are passionate about. Heres to living every minute of our lives RIGHT ON PURPOSE, and to leaving the lessons with our children and the generations that follow us. Its not what you leave FOR your kids, its what you leave IN them that counts! I dont know a single thing about any of my great grandfathers, and nor do you. While Im sure they were loved at the time, they never made any impact of their family, and therefore, 2-3 generations on they are already forgotten. But not us. This is the part where we not only change our life, but we change our entire family tree. Pictures of us will be hung in hallways of the mansions our family live in 10 generations from now, and choices will be available to all of them because of the decisions we are making today. There is PURPOSE in our pain. The Great people of history, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa are not remembered for their conveniences. They are remembered because of their CONVICTIONS! (I learned that powerful truth from a God-sent mentor, Mr Nnamdi Jarrod Wilkins-Agomo and Mrs Porshea Wilkins-Agomo). While most worry, trying to make the right decision, we just make a decision, and then we make that decision RIGHT - just like when you quit being a paramedic 6 months after you finished your degree and started your internship for the opportunity to become shareholders of EFM. We never looked back. And is it turns out, that was all only a small stepping stone for this GIANT LEAP we are taking right now. Our very first mentor, Matthew Lindblom always taught us that life and business is all about risk vs return. The bigger the risk, the higher the return... we adopted and lived by that philosophy ever since, and it has served us well! I love the perspective one of our greatest mentors gave us, Mr Coachcraig Hilll... Some daddys leave for a year to go to war, and they never come home the same, if they come home at all. 8 weeks is nothing. Nelson Mandela served 27 YEARS! #wegotthis! I believe in you, I believe in us, and Im with you all the way! See you in St Louis in October! Love you millions and billions and trillions and gazillions!!!! You totally rock my world!! #teamnunan A message to the Facebook world - GET YOURSELF A MENTOR, DELETE THE FRIENDS FROM YOUR LIFE THAT DRAIN YOU, AND CONSCIOUSLY PUT YOURSELF IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE YOU FIND THE PEOPLE WHO ADD VALUE TO YOUR LIFE... that is all it takes! (incase you didnt notice from all the above. You either learn by your mistakes or you learn by your mentors... take the short route... go with the mentors!!) #gotyourback #sacrificeleadstogreatness #purposeinthepain #makeadifference #courage #belief #faith #choices #impact #loveyou
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 03:46:58 +0000

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