You its is not to much to ask for, this thing called peace. If - TopicsExpress


You its is not to much to ask for, this thing called peace. If we all checked ourselves, we could do it with ease. I might sound like a broken record, asking for the same thing, but I must, because youre not hearing the things that need to be. You need to know whats a need and who you really are, Truly without the mouthpieces telling you who we are. You need to disengage from the things that work against life, and put forth the energy to make your damage right. You need to learn to expect the good and respect others space. Let them live their lives and start living yours with grace. Read outside the mainstream. Listen to their words. They are telling you all the time things that go unheard. The leaders, the masters, the powerfully rich, they tell you all the time that they ARE destroying this. They dont try to hid much, it is out in plain view. The truth is trying to get ahold of you to help you break free. In freedom from the thoughts that arent yours, you will start to see so many things that matter more; more than your money, your house and your precious things. You start to care about all human beings. Why do you think it is said that its harder for a rich man to get into heaven than to thread a camel through a needle? It is a cruelty to hoard to yourself, while millions starve in need of your wealth. It is scary to face a shift in your views. It is scary to realize the things that your choose. Knowing we are doomed if we continue this way, I beg and I plead for you to change your ways. Question all things with true logic. Forget what they told you; they use that to stop it. Humans are realizing what has been going on, and I plead with you to join us. Please come along. Every person matters, you all have great gifts, and with you on the side of peace, we totally got this. Peace isnt just about wars, and its not just about fighting. Its about all living things having a right to keep living. Our world is under pressure, so please step up. We need your help for all the destruction to stop. Dont do it for me or even just for you. We will do it together so humanity can make it through. We are on the horizon, and it is coming to pass. The future is now, and we are all that we have. 05/26/2014
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:38:22 +0000

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