You know I have watched hundreds of debates and I have noticed - TopicsExpress


You know I have watched hundreds of debates and I have noticed that no Atheist has ever successfully argued the origin of morality. At least to my satisfaction..... One thing I have learned is that there is more than one answer to the nature of people and morality falls into that category... To sum up the answer of where does our morality into a single answer is impossible.. At the very least I can file them into two categories...What we are taught and What we have learned We are taught many things throughout our lives that we must considered to be right and wrong.. Do not steal, do not rape, do not lie and so forth but being told something does not have much influence in our general perception of things. I do not steal things because I have had things stolen from me. Things that I have worked hard for and cherished. I do not rape not only because I was told not too but because I have seen the effects that it has on not only woman but men and children that have been raped... I refrain from lying mostly because I have found out that the truth is far more interesting.... Now some of you may feel that empathy is the reason for morality and in many situations you are correct but the problem with empathy is that it can not be taught and can only be learned through experiences... I do not know how a drug addict feels when struggling with abuse because I have never been there myself but I do know how it feels to struggle.. Empathy is a strong argument when it comes to morality but it still falls short on many aspects about it.. Mostly because morality is defined differently in many parts of the world as well as different people throughout. Here in America as well as other countries it is illegal to rape a woman but in many other countries it is not even a crime and in some cases it is encouraged and justified by religious dogma. Honor Rape is one most people have heard of.. That is where What we are taught comes into play.. Men are taught in those parts of the world not to have empathy towards women. That they are mere objects ....... A gift from god as it were.... They are taught that they should have no rights or freedoms nor opinion... I do not want you to think that this is a shot to Muslims because despite popular beliefs Everyone has Secular Values Many religious people like to argue that they have an objective moral value but if that was true than every person within their faith would completely agree with each other.. But that is far from the truth.. Just take the issue with Gay Rights.. Some Christians are completely for it with their church fully supporting them with Bible verses that condones it... While others are trying to pass a law that will sentence Gay people for up to ten years just for being Gay and they too have their own Bible versus to justify their claim.... Where is your objective Moral values? Bottom line their is no such thing as objective moral values because anyone can pick and choose what they want to read from the Bible and interpret it to mean what they want it to mean that fits their own ideas and ethics.... The belief that Morality is a gift that must come from some sort of deity falls short of every possible explanation to the origins of Morality and the truth of the matter is that Morality as we know it today was brought forth through wars, debates, personal experiences and passing that knowledge down generation to generation with each individual interpretation of what they have been taught with what they have learned through life... -bluedog
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 05:42:07 +0000

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