You know, Ive tried to keep the peace...Make it easy on Patrick - TopicsExpress


You know, Ive tried to keep the peace...Make it easy on Patrick and Kamila...Very good peeps, too kind to me...But, I gotta say, Imma really tired of lack of respect, brazen ignorance and complete insanity from some folks...These are the facts, maam: I wrote Begorrah and Aghora, my tale of Arthur and Guenevierre; I am the one and only Padmasambhava; my love, Rebecca is not a Hymie monkey loves to suck nigga cock...Spike Lee, an FBI informant, stole my screenplay, City of Nights, and turned it into 3 AM...My lead character Buck, based on myself, directly ripped off, pages of verbatim dialogue too...Yet, the punk told the world hes teaching me a vajra lesson of compassion to cover his thievery (for which he is noted as a serial offender...Well, this odious remnant of Nazism was reinvented by Bush the Elder, who used the abrogation od ones rights as a way to play CIA mind games with those he saw as enemies...Even the Replutocrats have repudiated the matter, now the Dummykins gonna be left holding the bag hen Anthony Kennedy and the SC declare the matter the most pugnacious and violent Treason to the Constitution this country has ever seen....As a Buddhist, you learn that when bad things happen to good peeps, you learn to grow, to evolve...You obtain a higher sense of morals, ethics...These cocksuckers failed to learn, only wanted to grovel in that-there Ark-ee-saw hog trough with the rest of the beasts...Cest la vie...Watched Cadillac Records, about Chess Records, and the giant step they took (whi boy) getting Muddy Waters, Etta James, Howling Wolf and others into the mainstream...Yeah the artists got ripped off--by others...Yet now, I have African-Americans, with their bizarrely delusional narcissism, stealing my work and my tulku history...We talking Spike Lee, Jesse Jackson, et al...I will not rest until I get my enoch greis, as is my right...Even Kamila says that there is something seriously wrong, I mean mental with Louis Freeh, his relative John Jennings and the lez-be EYES who have plagued my life for too damned long...
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:06:14 +0000

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