You know for three and a half years I have been sat with my feet - TopicsExpress


You know for three and a half years I have been sat with my feet in the river of death and for three and a half years I have been making the right decisions along with my good lady wife. I wish they never gave prognosiss because they kind of put a time frame on your life and we are all different. I know my body has changed recently as I am getting increased night sweats which for those of you who have never experienced them they are horrible. I am having to sleep on towels now because it is too much for us. I wake up freezing cold and wet through so we have to strip the bed which is no joke in the early hours of the morning. Then I am going through about 5 bath towels just soaking up my sodden skin. Even the pillows are wringing wet through and we run out of those. I hate disturbing my missus but it is hard not to when you are moving around at 3,4, 5am in the morning. Then I am noticing a bit of weight loss with all the loss of fluid. I am also getting increased pain in my liver and in the kidneys and I have noticed my urine getting darker. The oncologists doesnt seem to impressed with my condition at the moment and pulled some funny faces last Monday but still he pulled funny faces August 2011 when he gave me two years lol. Still mustnt complain, I am still here and thats the main thing. I just hope the high dose Vit C and C Oil are effective as I am now on the protocol I preach on about including Milk Thistle and Curcumin. The reason I could not adopt this protocol before was due to the immunotherapy I was receiving as the Oil made my blood pressure too low to the point of life threatening. Its hard not to be afraid and at times it does get to me but this is where faith and courage come in plus I only have to look at my wife for inspiration. I say it all the time but she goes through so much and is completely powerless in this situation. My heart goes out to every cancer patient carer and especially those who have lost loved ones. Their courage and strength is testimony to who they are but they get little support especially if the loved one loses their battle. I was thinking the other day if the worst was to prevail, who would be there for my wife? Those are the things which frighten me because I see that as my role. Anyway enough of morbidity its been a super day and we have achieved a great deal x
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 22:41:40 +0000

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