You know that the Lookadoos never do things small scale ever so I - TopicsExpress


You know that the Lookadoos never do things small scale ever so I dont know why Erics illness would be any different. We have decided that we want to be very transparent in this journey we are going through because we want to glorify God in anyway we can. I will be starting a blog tomorrow but until then I wanted to share with everyone where we are right now. Back at the beginning of the year, Eric had numbness in his feet and we went to Dr after Dr and finally he was diagnosed by a neurologist with CIDP. That is just abbreviations for a big fancy name that means he has an autoimmune disease that eats away the coating on his nerves, which is what conducts messages to the muscles. Because his nerves were not sending messages to the muscles, he was losing the ability to use those muscles. The Drs were blown away. Even the Dr at Wake Forest could not believe how bad it was. The other thing was that he was not reacting to treatment like he wanted him to and that was odd as well. So at the time, he did a bunch of blood work because he said not always but sometimes, it stems from an underlying condition such as hep, hiv or cancer. He did the blood work and it came back good in his protein levels but there was one certain level that was spiked...its called a m-spike. So over the next month and a half, we are seeing neurologist, oncologist, etc. After many tests and hearing we dont think it will be, it was. Eric has a huge tumor on his iliac bone. We got the news last Wednesday. No one is ready to hear diagnosis like that but I can look back and see God was preparing me to hear it. Today, we saw his new radiologist and we are just asking everyone to help us pray that this is isolated in his hip and has not spread to his marrow. At this point we know that it is no where else in his body and the marrow is the only other test we have left. The Drs are amazed that he has no pain because his hip is literally broken. God is good. We got some positive news today and I am going to go more into the whole story tomorrow on the blog we are doing. I fully believe that this is just something we have to go through and that we are going to have many years to tell this testimony! I am more driven to share Christ now that I have ever been before. I now know God on a level I have never known before. I have seen His hand on Eric and I in ways I could never imagine. I have realized more than ever before that we are truly aliens not meant to hold onto these bodies. I have known the peace that surpasses all understanding. I have seen so much love and encouragement poured out on us that I could not imagine that many people cared. I have felt Gods presence so thick that I feel I could just reach out and touch Him. We have a few prayer requests with this..please join us in praying that this is isolated. Also, please pray for us to glorify God with every step we take in this journey. Lastly, please pray that our story will touch the lives of others in such a way that they can see the hand of God that we have seen through this. We want lives to be changed. We want people to have what we have. We want people to realize that although this life is hard, God is sovereign and His love is amazing enough to cast out all fear!! He is worthy of all praise and we praise Him in this storm!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 03:47:32 +0000

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