You know there are those who have dark designs for the future of - TopicsExpress


You know there are those who have dark designs for the future of mankind. That’s not news to most of you. The extent of such designs might surprise some of you, but then again, it fits together like a finely tuned machine when you consider all the pieces are of a singular motivation and basic color scheme. In contrast to that are various collections of consciousness, none of which is whole unto itself, none of which has the complete road map to the promised land, all of which are working with the idea that it is necessary to follow the lead of someone yet not agreeing on who that someone is, or even what kind of someone that might be. So the upshot is, you have a darkly looming intelligence organizing its way toward a goal on the one hand, and a lot of defined yet insular light-oriented modalities of human expression moving in some way or other in opposition to the entropic pull of dark fate. Dreamland is somewhere in between, and from the hazy nebula that surrounds the land of dreamers, either side can appear as light or dark as the other. Such is the nature of the world, or so it has been. To some extent it still is, but the nebula is dissipating and truth is showing through the cracks. As light infiltrates the matrix, be prepared for everything to shift accordingly, for light has a way of bending itself around the most dense of darkness in such a way that you can see what has been hidden in crystal clarity, and the awakening that follows the inner eye opening is going to set things on a wholly different course than many might have anticipated. That’s where we have to say, the story is going to change and some of the things you might have counted on to happen in such-and-such a way might have some things rewritten from the original script. If you can go with that, all the better.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 03:21:16 +0000

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