You learn how to trust urself by exercising your judgement through - TopicsExpress


You learn how to trust urself by exercising your judgement through experience. All this time I thought trust was all about trusting other people. Giving them chances hoping they would come through and when they didnt it was there fault. There is nothing wrong with having faith, trusting or believing in someone. By thinking the way I was ignoring all the red flags. I was putting my life into there hands. When really trust starts and has to do with trusting urself very first. Listening to Your intuition. Ur inner voice. Ur gut feeling. Ur body. Ur health. Our bodies and minds are masterpieces and we dont give them enough credit. Sounds like a no brainer right? U think to urself ya I trust myself but do you really? And if you do Are u acting upon it? How crazy life experiences can be if u dont trust urself but most importantly dont act upon it. Which is really hard..something Ive always struggled with. But its beautiful when u do finally learn from those crazy experiences. I say finally because so often we repeatedly go through the same or similar experiences or relationships. We are all humans We all make mistakes but the one thing u do know is if u have been down that path before most likely u know how it ends. I am So thankful to have had the negative and positive experiences I have had with trusting myself and others. Learning to not ignore the red flags when they are there for a reason. I am So thankful to know that I am confident and smart enough to trust myself more and more everyday! Mistakes and trials! What a blessing in disguise! Red flags! Embrace them! I trust me! What a beautiful thing! #feelinghumbledandblessed
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:59:09 +0000

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