You might think to yourself, “I pray five times a day, I fast - TopicsExpress


You might think to yourself, “I pray five times a day, I fast during Ramadan and pay my zakat, yet I have an ill child, or still can’t find a job, or this stressor or that.” You begin to wonder why you are going through this and why you are being “punished.” Before you know it, shaytan takes the helm and you are on a slippery slope of anger and denial. Before falling down that slope, one must take a deep breath and ponder the following question:is it punishment or is it a manifestation of what Allah has told us in Surat Al-Ankabut. “Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: “We believe,” and will not be tested?” (Qur’an, 29:2) Allah tells us that through this journey we call life we will be tested as long as we obey Him to see who is best, even b4 you pass an examination to difrnt classes you need to do text exams,similarlyAllah text us before we venture elsewhere which is good. In Surat Al-Baqarah, He says.“And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits…” (Qur’an, 2:155). U see, Tribulations are a part of life but that doesn’t make them easy. We still grieve but how could we not? We are, after all, a very emotional creation. So how does one cope with adversity? There are many ayat in the Qur’an that talk about different mechanisms of coping such as patience, faith, prayer and acceptance. But what I find the most profound and the most comforting is what Allah says in Surat Al-Baqarah “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear…” (Qur’an, 2:286). If you stand back and take a look at the whole picture, you will realize that what you have when faced by a tragedy is a choice. Will you go through the stages of grief, denying Allah’s destiny and the wisdom of His plan for you? Or will you realize that what you are going through is something you know you can handle? Whatever trial comes your way is something that Allah has planned and which He has guaranteed you can handle. This ayah is comforting because I, as a faithful mu’min who believes in Allah and His wisdom, know deep in my heart that although the sadness is cumbersome it will not be overwhelming; that although the times might be tough, I am tougher; and that whatever comes my way will go away; and that eventually I will face my Lord whom, I hope, will be pleased with me as I am pleased with Him. So when you go through a difficult situation, be it the inevitable death of a loved one or the loss of a job or just a flat tire on the side of the highway, take a deep breath and say: “Say: ‘Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allâh has ordained for us’” ( 9:51). . Maaasalam!MRNG FRNDZ
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 05:47:08 +0000

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