You pack up at a moments notice and run out the door to help - TopicsExpress


You pack up at a moments notice and run out the door to help people you dont even know. You spend countless hours away from your family for crazy inspections and things that dont really mean a thing. You miss birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and many other important dates because of what you do. You miss the chance to say goodbye to a loved one in the hospital. You deploy for months on end to faraway lands to fight an enemy without a face, only to come home and feel out of place; left behind; like you werent even needed here at all. Many have relationships crumble under the pressures of yet another deployment. Sometimes your children resent you being gone and missing out on things. These are the realities of serving this country in her armed forces. Granted, not everyone goes through some of these but its happening everywhere. Having served for a couple of decades, I know firsthand the toll it can take. But I also know the way I look at our nations flag is a little different than most. I hear our national anthem and feel something that those who havent worn the uniform of our military cannot grasp. It comes from deep down inside. A yearning, some sort of longing to serve and be a part of something bigger. To be a shield for those who would otherwise be defenseless and a sword for those who would use your strength to fight. To sacrifice so that nameless people will enjoy freedom and security in this great land. I am a proud to stand beside all of the veterans who came before me and those who serve with me now. Happy Veterans Day!!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:46:52 +0000

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